N.M. Admin. Code §
Current through Register Vol. 36, No. 1, January 14, 2025
Section - PROCEDURES FOR PRIORITY LIST PLACEMENTA. Application: (1) Applicants for a grant shall submit a complete application to the NMED on a form specified by the NMED. Applications may be submitted at any time; although, generally an annual funding cycle is followed.(2) The NMED shall review the applications for eligibility, technical merit and financial capability, and rank the applications based on the project priority system approved by the Commission WQCC and following NMED procedures for priority system and priority list.B. Priority System and Priority List Procedures: Procedures for developing and handling the priority system and priority list under the Colonias Wastewater Construction Grant Program generally following existing procedures for the EPA/NMED construction grants program and State loan program which are briefly summarized here. (1) A project must be on the current federal fiscal year priority list in order to receive a planning or design/construction grant. It is the policy of NMED to make grants to applicants in order of priority on the priority list to the extent reasonable considering the following: (a) Willingness of a community to accept a grant;(b) Financial capability of the community to perform operation and maintenance and to maintain a replacement fund; and(c) Readiness to proceed.(2) A specific cap of $1,000,000 on an individual grant amount is established by the NMED so that the program will be able to assist several applicants.(3) This policy serves to maintain the flexibility of the program by not excluding higher cost projects from participation, yet ensures that several worthwhile projects will be funded.(4) Fundable applicants will be notified by the NMED following approval of the final priority list and a preplanning conference will be held with the applicant and its consulting engineer to identify the procedures and requirements which must be met prior to execution of the grant agreement.N.M. Admin. Code §
2/28/93, 11/30/95; NMAC - Rn, 20 NMAC 7.9.II.200 and 201, Recompiled 11/27/01