N.M. Admin. Code §
Before commencement of drilling or deepening operations of any geothermal resources well, or before plugging a well back ro another zone, the operator of the well shall obtain a permit to do so. To obtain such a permit the operator shall submit to the division four copies of form G-101, application for permit to drill, deepen or plug back-geothermal resources well, completely filled in. If the operator has an approved bond in accordance with Rule G-101 [now 19.14.20 NMAC] and has filed satisfactory "designation of agent" (Rule G-100) [now NMAC], and the proposed well meets the spacing and well location requirements (Rule G-104) [now 19.14.23 NMAC], one copy of the drilling permit will be returned to him on which will be noted the division's approval, with any modification deemed advisable. If the proposal cannot be approved for any reason, the forms G-101 will be returned with the cause for rejection stated thereon.
N.M. Admin. Code §