N.M. Admin. Code §

Current through Register Vol. 36, No. 1, January 14, 2025
A. Prerequisite requirements:
(1) Acceptance of a temporary paraprofessional licensee as an apprentice in speech-language is subject to board approval. Such licensees shall:
(a) be working towards a license pursuant to the provisions of the Speech-Language Pathology, Audiology and Hearing Aid Dispensing Practices Act;
(b) certify that they are not guilty of any activities listed in Section 61-14B-21 of the Speech-Language Pathology, Audiology and Hearing Aid Dispensing Practices Act; and
(c) provide proof of having met educational, supervision, and employment requirements.
(2) It is the responsibility of the apprentice in speech-language and the supervising speech-language pathologist to insure the distinction between the roles of the apprentice in speech-language and the graduate student.
B. Educational requirements:
(1) a baccalaureate degree in speech-language pathology or communication disorders or baccalaureate degree in another field with 30 semester hours of credit in speech-language pathology or communication disorders;
(2) enrolled in a master's degree program in speech-language pathology or communication disorders and completes a minimum rate of nine semester hours per year of graduate courses in communication disorders per year; or
(a) if not accepted into a master's degree program in speech-language pathology or communication disorders, the applicant must be currently enrolled in nine semester hours of graduate courses per year with at least three hours in communication disorders, six hours may be taken in a related field; and
(b) acceptance in a master's degree program must take place within two years of initial license; and
(3) maintains a minimum of a 3.0 GPA in communication disorders course work or master's degree program.
C. Supervision requirements:
(1) Work of the apprentice in speech-language must be supervised by a speech-language pathologist licensed by this act and who has a minimum of two years experience in the field.
(a) Minimum of ten percent of contact time of the apprentice in speech-language must be direct supervision.
(b) Minimum of ten percent of contact time of the apprentice in speech-language must be indirect supervision.
(2) It is recommended that the speech-language pathologist's and audiologist's direct caseload size be limited to no more than 40 clients.
(a) A speech-language pathologist may supervise a maximum of three apprentices at one time.
(b) The supervising speech-language pathologist is expected to appropriately reduce their direct caseload for each apprentice they supervise, ensuring the maintenance of high professional standards as stated in the code of ethics.
(c) It is the responsibility of the supervising speech-language pathologist and the apprentice in speech-language to ensure the distinction between the roles of the apprentice in speech-language and the graduate student.
D. Employment requirements:
(1) Terms of employment must require at least a temporary paraprofessional license as an apprentice in speech-language. The role of the apprentice in speech-language shall be determined in collaboration with the supervising speech-language pathologist (SLP) and the employer.
(2) Employment duties must be limited to the following:
(a) conduct speech-language and hearing screenings;
(b) conduct treatment programs and procedures that are planned, selected and designed by the supervising SLP;
(c) prepare written daily plans based on the overall intervention plan designed by the supervising SLP;
(d) record, chart, graph, or otherwise display data relative to the client performance and report performance changes to the supervising SLP;
(e) maintain daily service/delivery treatment notes and complete daily charges as requested;
(f) report but not interpret data relative to client performance to teachers, family, or other professionals;
(g) assist the speech-language pathologists during assessment of clients, such as those who are difficult to test;
(h) perform clerical duties, including maintenance or therapy/diagnostic material/equipment, client files, as directed by the SLP supervisor;
(i) participate with the speech-language pathologist in research projects, in-service training, and public relations programs.
E. Employment duties must not include any of the following:
(1) administer diagnostic tests;
(2) interpret data into diagnostic statements or clinical management strategies or procedures;
(3) select or discharge clients for services;
(4) interpret clinical information including data or impressions relative to client performance;
(5) treat clients without following the individualized treatment plan;
(6) independently compose clinical reports except for progress notes to be held in the client's file;
(7) refer a client to other professionals or agencies;
(8) provide client or family counseling;
(9) develop or modify a client's individual treatment plan: IEP/IFSP/ clinical report or plan of care in anyway without the approval of the SLP supervisor;
(10) disclose clinical or confidential information;
(11) sign any formal documents without the supervising SLP co-signature;
(12) represent themselves as a speech-language pathologist.
F. Documentation required: All applicants for temporary paraprofessional license as an apprentice in speech-language are required to provide the following documentation to the board each year:
(1) a completed board approved license application form, signed in the presence of a notary public;
(2) the required license application fee; and
(3) a completed board approved verification of employment form verifying:
(a) applicant's employment;
(b) performance responsibilities of the apprentice in speech-language;
(c) limitations on employment practices of the apprentice in speech-language license holder (apprentice in speech-language);
(d) provision for supervision by an SLP licensed according to this act;
(4) a completed board approved verification of education form verifying:
(a) course work completed in communication disorders or other courses as outlined in the degree plan with a minimum GPA of 3.0;
(b) current degree plan once the applicant is admitted to a master's degree program; and
(c) official copy of transcripts from college or university.

N.M. Admin. Code § NMAC - Rp, 16 NMAC 26.2.15, 2/3/06; A, 11/29/08; A, 06/07/10, Amended by New Mexico Register, Volume XXVI, Issue 01, January 15, 2015, eff. 1/29/2015, Amended by New Mexico Register, Volume XXXIII, Issue 02, January 26, 2022, eff. 2/10/2022, Amended by New Mexico Register, Volume XXXIII, Issue 24, December 27, 2022, eff. 2/10/2022