N.J. Admin. Code § 8:41A-2.3

Current through Register Vol. 57, No. 1, January 6, 2025
Section 8:41A-2.3 - Didactic training
(a) An EMT-Paramedic training program shall provide a coordinated course of study, consisting of both didactic and skill instruction, designed for the purpose of preparing a person to sit for the NREMT-Paramedic Certification Examination.
(b) The didactic portion of an EMT-Paramedic training program shall be conducted by a postsecondary educational institution such as a university, county college or community college that has been accredited by the New Jersey Commission on Higher Education.
1. An accredited educational institution seeking to be approved as a didactic training site for the purpose of offering the didactic portion of an EMT-Paramedic training program shall first apply, in writing, to OEMS for approval. Application information shall include, but not be limited to, proposed lesson plans, affiliated clinical training sites, instructional personnel, physical plant and course content. Approval of new didactic training sites shall be based on compliance with the requirements of this chapter and on system needs as determined by the Department.
2. No classes shall be offered by an applicant training site until approval is granted by the Department.
3. No institution shall offer, or claim to offer, the didactic portion of an EMT-Paramedic training program until approved by the Department to do so.
(c) Each didactic training site shall employ a didactic coordinator. The didactic coordinator shall have graduated from an accredited college with at least an Associate's degree, be an EMT-Paramedic or registered nurse and have a minimum of three years experience in a mobile intensive care program providing advanced life support cares. In lieu of a college degree, a person may serve as an didactic coordinator if he or she can document to the satisfaction of OEMS that he or she has at least two years of practical experience in the actual training of EMT-Paramedic students. The didactic coordinator's responsibilities shall include, but are not limited to:
1. Coordinating all activities associated with the didactic portion of an EMT-Paramedic training program;
2. Ensuring that all persons providing didactic instruction to students enrolled in the didactic portion of an EMT-Paramedic training program are competent to provide the necessary training and have received formal orientation to the program curriculum, with particular attention to didactic training;
3. Establishing, in cooperation with the EMS Educator, a procedure for determining whether an applicant, prior to acceptance into an EMT-Paramedic training program, will be able to demonstrate competency for all cognitive and psychomotor skill objectives necessary to complete the training program;
4. Compiling all relevant student records including, but not limited to:
i. Identifying data on each student including, but not limited to, name, address, phone number, date of birth and the EMT-B identification number;
ii. Records of progress, including grades on examinations and skill performance;
iii. Anecdotal records, as needed; and
iv. Clinical training site affiliation(s);
5. Providing each student with at least four periodic written or verbal evaluations;
i. To ensure effectiveness of student evaluations, the testing instruments and evaluation methods shall undergo frequent review by the didactic coordinator and shall be subject to review by OEMS for validity, reliability and consistency. When appropriate, reviews must result in the update, revision or formulation of more effective testing instruments or evaluation methods;
6. Providing periodic reports to the EMS Educator at the sponsoring clinical training site reporting the student's progress; and
7. Ensuring that all students perform and demonstrate competence in all required skills prior to completion of didactic training.
(d) The didactic portion of an EMT-Paramedic training program shall include, at a minimum, the program curriculum. While additional material may be presented, all topics of the program curriculum shall be covered.
1. Each course of study shall follow planned outlines and shall be appropriately sequenced with clinical and field experiences.
2. Successful completion of the didactic portion of an EMT-Paramedic training program shall assure attainment of basic theoretical and scientific knowledge reflective of state of the art patient care. The didactic course of study shall include content that provides a basis for the knowledge and skill development of the subject areas pertaining to the pre-hospital emergency care of adult, pediatric, infant and neonatal patients.

N.J. Admin. Code § 8:41A-2.3