The coastal zone includes a diversity of types of wetlands, of varying widths, quality and importance to the ecosystem, from large forested freshwater wetlands, to narrow strips of coastal wetlands. For this reason, the appropriate buffer necessary to protect the wetlands adjacent to proposed land disturbance must be determined on a case-by-case basis, but using a standard that requires no significant impact on, and minimum feasible disturbance to, the wetlands.
The preservation of a transitional area of native vegetation in the portion of the wetlands buffer adjacent to the wetlands and the construction of detention basins or berms if necessary to control runoff, could mitigate impacts and make development permissible in the remainder of the wetlands buffer.
Buffers that support strands of native vegetation perform the following ecological and physical functions:
As transition areas between differing vegetation communities (habitat areas), appropriately vegetated wetlands buffers function as ecotones, supporting a diversity of species and uses, and serving as wildlife movement corridors.
Wetlands buffers are used as lookout perches for raptors; nesting sites for marsh hawks, black crowned night herons, and ospreys; fall migration foraging stopovers for birds, including woodcock; nesting sites for wood ducks, black ducks, and mallards; and forage routes into and out of wetlands for raccoons, minks, muskrats, foxes, deer, and others. Grassy wetlands edges serve as feeding sites for Wilson's snipe, ruffed grouse, quail and song birds.
Wetland buffer requirements may be less restrictive in areas where proposed development is considered infill, and where a majority of the area adjacent to the wetlands is developed. In these areas, the potential adverse impacts to the wetlands from additional development are generally minor. The Department will establish the required wetland buffers for these areas on a case-by-case basis, based on the existing site conditions, including but not limited to elevation, topography and vegetation.
N.J. Admin. Code § 7:7-9.28