N.J. Admin. Code § 7:1H-3.7

Current through Register Vol. 57, No. 1, January 6, 2025
Section 7:1H-3.7 - Performance standards for conducting a ground water pollution control and on-site sewage system management program
(a) Provide separately, or in cooperation with any other designated on-site sewage management agency, to the extent permitted by law, for:
1. Periodic inspection of the maintenance and operation of on-site sewage disposal systems;
2. Periodic bacteriological testing of water from selected individual or non-public potable water wells serving realty improvements which are also served by such systems;
3. The removal of the contents or the repair of such systems when inspections indicate the necessity of those actions in order to prevent or abate a violation of N.J.A.C. 7:9-2.1; and
4. Control of the health aspects of the activity of removing and transporting sewage from such systems to treatment or disposal sites approved by the department.
(b) Examine plans, issue certificates and permits, and inspect new and repaired residential and commercial on-site sewage disposal systems, as identified in N.J.A.C. 7:9-2.1 et seq., to ensure that they conform to state law and the current edition of the Standards for the Construction of Individual Subsurface Sewage Disposal Systems.
(c) Approve plans and inspect individual sewage disposal systems receiving industrial wastes for conformance with N.J.A.C. 7:9-2.8 with the approval of the department.
(d) Maintain a file of all plans, certificates, inspections and enforcement actions taken pertaining to residential, commercial, and industrial individual sewage disposal systems.
(e) Investigate nuisances and public health hazards caused by malfunctioning residential, commercial and industrial individual sewage disposal systems; take necessary enforcement action pursuant to N.J.S.A. 26:3-45 et seq., the Environmental Rights Act, N.J.S.A. 2A:35A-1 et seq., or local ordinances.
(f) Determine problem areas through a sanitary survey to include physical inspection and indirect methods such as geophysics or dye testing; accumulate evidence of the need for a public sewage collection system or for an individual sewage disposal system management program.
(g) Insure that the treatment and disposal of septage is conducted in an environmentally sound manner in accordance with applicable provisions of law.
(h) Conduct a groundwater monitoring program designed to establish baseline conditions, provide early detection of pollution, and identify existing pollution sources.
(i) Sampling of groundwater shall be conducted in compliance with the department's Field Procedures Manual for Data Acquisition.
(j) Inventory actual or potential groundwater pollution sources including, where applicable:
1. Landfills and dumps;
2. Holding ponds and waste disposal pits;
3. Municipal and industrial water lagoons;
4. Chemical stockpiles;
5. Fuel tank farms;
6. Injection wells and seepage pits for waste disposal;
7. Feedlots;
8. Areas of known or suspected saltwater intrusion;
9. Areas of land application of sewage, sludge or septage.
(k) Maintain a current file on each actual or potential source of groundwater pollution. The files shall contain data on each source identified, including:
1. Name of person or corporation responsible for discharge;
2. Name of owner of land on which discharge originates (if different from above);
3. Location and mailing address of discharger;
4. General nature of discharge. (For example, source, as listed in subsection (j) of this section, or industrial classification of source.)
(l) Provide the department and interested local governments with data on actual and potential ground-water pollution sources to supplement the department's monitoring efforts. Actual instances of ground water pollution shall be reported to the department immediately.
(m) Report citizen complaints concerning ground water pollution to the department and participate, upon request of the department, in the investigation of such complaints.

N.J. Admin. Code § 7:1H-3.7