- Section 4A:4-2.1 - Announcements and applications
- Section 4A:4-2.2 - Types of examinations
- Section 4A:4-2.3 - Open competitive examinations
- Section 4A:4-2.4 - Promotional title scope: local service
- Section 4A:4-2.5 - Promotional title scope: State service
- Section 4A:4-2.6 - Eligibility for promotional examination
- Section 4A:4-2.7 - Promotion upon waiver of competitive examination
- Section 4A:4-2.8 - Scheduling of examinations
- Section 4A:4-2.9 - Make-up examinations
- Section 4A:4-2.10 - Conduct and security of examinations
- Section 4A:4-2.11 - [Expired]
- Section 4A:4-2.12 - Professional qualifications substitution program
- Section 4A:4-2.13 - Reserved
- Section 4A:4-2.14 - Accommodation and waiver of examinations for persons with disabilities
- Section 4A:4-2.15 - Rating of examinations
- Section 4A:4-2.16 - Retention and inspection of examination records
- Section 4A:4-2.17 - Application processing fees