N.J. Admin. Code § 19:31H-1.5

Current through Register Vol. 57, No. 1, January 6, 2025
Section 19:31H-1.5 - Application submission requirements
(a) Each application to the Authority made by an owner, tenant or residential developer shall include the following information in an application format prescribed by the Authority:
1. Business information, including information on all affiliates contributing either full-time employees or capital investment or both to the project, shall include the following:
i. The name of the business;
ii. The contact information of the business;
iii. Prospective future address of the business (if different);
iv. The type of the business;
v. Principal products and services and three-digit North American Industry Classification System number;
vi. The New Jersey tax identification number;
vii. The Federal tax identification number;
viii. The total number of employees in New Jersey;
ix. The total list of New Jersey operations;
x. A written certification by the chief executive officer, or equivalent officer for North American operations, stating that the business applying for the program is not in default with any other program administered by the State of New Jersey and that he or she has reviewed the application information submitted and that the representations contained therein are accurate;
xi. Disclosure of legal matters in accordance with the Authority debarment and disqualification rules at N.J.A.C. 12A:4-12;
xii. Submission of a tax clearance certificate, pursuant to P.L. 2007, c. 101;
xiii. A list of all the development subsidies, as defined by P.L. 2007, c. 200, that the applicant is requesting or receiving, the name of the granting body, the value of each development subsidy, and the aggregate value of all development subsidies requested or received. Examples of development subsidizes are tax benefits from programs authorized under P.L. 2004, c. 65; P.L. 1996, c. 26; and P.L. 2002, c. 43;
xiv. In the event that the business is a partnership and chooses to allocate the revenue realized from the sale of the tax credits other than as a proportion of the owners' distributive share of income or gain of the partnership, the business shall provide an agreement that sets forth the allocation among the owners. This agreement will be submitted to the Director of the Division of Taxation in the Department of Treasury by such time and with such information as the Director may require; and
xv. Any other necessary and relevant information as determined by the Authority for a specific application;
2. Project information shall include the following:
i. An overall description of the proposed project;
ii. A description of the capital investments planned by the business, if other than a tenant at the proposed qualified business facility, or, if the business is a tenant, represented by the leased area of the business, at the proposed qualified business facility; and if the business is a residential developer, a description of the capital investment planned to be made or acquired in a qualified residential project;
iii. The estimated value of the capital investment;
iv. A certification from the owner, with supporting evidence, that the State's financial support of the proposed capital investment in a qualified business facility will yield a net positive economic benefit, equaling 110 percent of the requested tax allocation amount, to the State and the eligible municipality for the period equal to 75 percent of the useful life of the investment or the term of the tenant's lease, not to exceed 20 years, taking into account the criteria listed at N.J.A.C. 19:31H-1.7(c). The applicant may be required to submit any other information required by the Authority to conduct an analysis of the economic impact of the project;
v. If the capital investment is a qualified residential project, a pro forma analysis demonstrating that the project is likely to be realized with the provision of the tax credits at the level requested to be realized but is not likely to be accomplished by private enterprise without the credits;
vi. A description of how the green building standards to be set forth in the green building manual prepared by the Department of Community Affairs, pursuant to section 1 at P.L. 2007, c. 132 (N.J.S.A. 52:27D-130.6) are to be incorporated into the proposed project including use of renewable energy, energy-efficient technology, and non-renewable resources in order to reduce environmental degradation and encourage long-term cost reduction;
vii. Identification of the site of the proposed qualified business facility or qualified residential project, including the block and lot of the site as indicated upon the local tax map and evidence that the site is located wholly or partially (over 50 percent) within an urban transit hub in the form of a survey or other documentation acceptable to the Authority;
viii. A project schedule that identifies projected move dates for the proposed qualified business facility or qualified residential project;
ix. If the capital investment is a qualified business facility, a schedule of short-term and long-term employment projections of the business in the State taking into account the proposed project;
x. The terms of any lease agreements (including, but not limited to, information showing net leasable area by the business if a tenant and total net leasable area; or if the business is an owner, information showing net leasable area not leased to tenants and total net leasable area) and/or details of the purchase or building of the proposed project facility; and, if an application involves intra-State job transfers, a full economic analysis of all locations under consideration by the company and copies of all lease agreements, ownership documents, or substantially similar documentation for the business's current in-State locations and, to the extent they exist, for the potential out-of-State location alternatives;
xi. The total number of anticipated new full-time positions that would be created in New Jersey and occupy the qualified business facility and the total number of full-time employees that would occupy the qualified business facility, and the distribution of such totals identified by business entity; and
xii. Any other necessary and relevant information as determined by the Authority for a specific application; and
3. Employee information shall include the following:
i. A written certification that the employees that are the subject of this application will be full-time employees at the qualified business facility and are subject to withholding as provided in the New Jersey Gross Income Tax Act;
ii. The average annual wage and benefit rates of full-time employees and new full-time positions at the qualified business facility;
iii. To the extent a tenant is meeting the employment requirement together with up to two other tenants in the qualified business facility, a submission from the other tenants relating to (a)3i above;
iv. For the purpose of N.J.A.C. 19:31H-1.3(g)2, a written certification by the chief executive officer, or equivalent officer, that the existing jobs are at risk of leaving the State and that the chief executive officer, or equivalent officer, has reviewed the information submitted that the representations contained therein are accurate, and the business intends to employ not fewer than 500 full-time employees in the qualified business facility;
v. Evidence that the applicant has provided the application information required by the State Treasurer for a development subsidy such as the tax credits, pursuant to P.L. 2007, c. 200; and
vi. Any other necessary and relevant information as determined by the Authority for a specific application.
(b) A developer may apply to have a building approved as a qualified business facility by submitting the information required pursuant to (a)2i through ix above. Any tenant seeking an approval of tax credits for a qualified business facility so approved will be required to submit the information required pursuant to (a)1, 2v through ix and 3 above.
(c) The business or developer applying to the program shall submit an application fee set forth at N.J.A.C. 19:31A-1.7.

N.J. Admin. Code § 19:31H-1.5

Amended by R.2010 d.177, effective 8/16/2010.
See: 42 N.J.R. 907(a), 42 N.J.R. 1902(a).
In the introductory paragraph of (a), substituted a comma for "or a" following "owner" and inserted "or residential developer"; in (a)1xiv, substituted "revenue realized from the sale of the tax credits" for "amount of credit" and a semi-colon for the comma following "require", and deleted "which at minimum must conform with N.J.A.C. 19:31-9.8(b)10" following "owners"; rewrote (a)2ii; added new (a)2iv through (a)2vi; recodified former (a)2iv through (a)2ix as (a)2vii through (a)2xii; in (a)2vii and (a)2viii, inserted "or qualified residential project"; in (a)2ix, substituted "If the capital investment is a qualified business facility, a" for "A"; in (a)3i, substituted "will be" for the first occurrence of "are" and "at the qualified business facility" for "as defined in this chapter"; in (a)3ii, substituted "at" for "that would occupy"; added new (a)3iii; and recodified former (a)3iii and (a)3iv as (a)3iv and (a)3v.
Amended by R.2012 d.044, effective 2/21/2012.
See: 43 N.J.R. 2991(a), 44 N.J.R. 512(a).
Rewrote (a)2x; added new (a)3iv; and recodified former (a)3iv and (a)3v as (a)3v and (a)3vi.
Amended by R.2012 d.118, effective 6/18/2012.
See: 44 N.J.R. 434(a), 44 N.J.R. 1784(c).
Rewrote (a)1x.
Recodified from 19:31-9.5 56 N.J.R. 807(a), effective 5/6/2024