"Brand name" means the proprietary or trade name assigned to a drug product by the manufacturer or distributor of the drug product.
"Generic drug products" means prescription drug products and insulin approved and designated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration as therapeutic equivalents for reference listed drug products. It includes drug products listed in the New Jersey Generic Formulary by the Drug Utilization Review Council pursuant to N.J.S.A. 24:6E-1 et seq.
"Mail-order pharmacy" means the mail order program available through the provider.
"Other brands" means prescription drug products that are not preferred brands or generic drug products. A new drug product approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, which is not a generic drug product shall be included in this category until the provider makes a determination concerning inclusion of the drug product in the list of preferred brands.
"Preferred brands" means brand name prescription drug products and insulin determined by the provider, to be more cost-effective alternatives for prescription drug products and insulin with comparable therapeutic efficacy within a therapeutic class, as defined or recognized in the United States Pharmacopeia or the American Hospital Formulary Service Drug Information, or by the American Society of Health Systems Pharmacists. A drug product for which there is no other therapeutically equivalent drug product shall be a preferred brand. Determinations of preferred brands by the provider shall be subject to review and modification by the State Health Benefits Program Plan Design Committee.
"Prescription drug plan" means the plan or plans for providing payment for eligible prescription drug expenses for all State Health Benefit Program retirees and their eligible dependents who participate in the PPO, HMO, high deductible health plans, or other SHBP health plans offered to subscribers, as prescribed by this section.
"Provider" means an insurance company, hospital, medical, or health service corporation, pharmacy benefit manager, or health maintenance organization under agreement or contract with the Commission to administer the prescription drug plan.
"Retail pharmacy" means a pharmacy, drug store or other retail establishment in this State at which prescription drugs are dispensed by a registered pharmacist under the laws of this State, or a pharmacy, drug store or other retail establishment in another state at which prescription drug products are dispensed by a registered pharmacist under the laws of that state if expenses for prescription drug products dispensed at the pharmacy, drug store or other retail establishment are eligible for payment under the prescription drug plan.
"Other brands" means prescription drug products which are not preferred brands or generic drug products. A new drug product approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration which is not a generic drug product shall be included in this category until the provider makes a determination concerning inclusion of the drug product in the list of preferred brands.
N.J. Admin. Code § 17:9-6.10