Subchapter 12 - COURIER SERVICES
- Section 17:20-12.1 - General Courier Service Act requirements
- Section 17:20-12.2 - Registration requirements
- Section 17:20-12.3 - Courier service application
- Section 17:20-12.4 - Courier service application review
- Section 17:20-12.5 - Insurance, indemnification, and bonding of courier service
- Section 17:20-12.6 - Ongoing requirements to maintain courier service registration
- Section 17:20-12.7 - Registration renewal
- Section 17:20-12.8 - Display of registration
- Section 17:20-12.9 - Courier service changes to ownership and other application information
- Section 17:20-12.10 - Courier service and affiliate agent
- Section 17:20-12.11 - General requirements for courier service website, mobile application, and system
- Section 17:20-12.12 - Website and/or mobile courier service system standards and operational controls
- Section 17:20-12.13 - Courier service internal controls
- Section 17:20-12.14 - Independent third-party testing
- Section 17:20-12.15 - Courier customer accounts
- Section 17:20-12.16 - Ticket fulfillment, notification, and redemption by courier service
- Section 17:20-12.17 - Delivery, retention, and storage of tickets by courier service
- Section 17:20-12.18 - Courier service ticket sale occurrence and ownership
- Section 17:20-12.19 - Persons prohibited to use courier service
- Section 17:20-12.20 - Courier service fees
- Section 17:20-12.21 - Courier service audit and financial reporting and controls
- Section 17:20-12.22 - Courier service customer complaints
- Section 17:20-12.23 - Advertising and marketing by courier service