Subchapter 6 - RETIREMENT
- Section 17:2-6.1 - Applications
- Section 17:2-6.2 - Effective date
- Section 17:2-6.3 - Effective dates; change
- Section 17:2-6.4 - Outstanding loan
- Section 17:2-6.5 - Willful negligence
- Section 17:2-6.6 - Reserved
- Section 17:2-6.7 - Disability determination
- Section 17:2-6.8 - Option selection; accidental disability denied
- Section 17:2-6.9 - Employer and employee notices
- Section 17:2-6.10 - Involuntary disability application
- Section 17:2-6.11 - Early retirement; reduction
- Section 17:2-6.12 - Service retirement; eligibility
- Section 17:2-6.13 - Disability retirant; annual medical examinations
- Section 17:2-6.14 - Disability retirant; annual report (employment, earnings, test and adjustment)
- Section 17:2-6.15 - Disability retirements; filing after more than two years' discontinuance of service
- Section 17:2-6.16 - Compulsory retirement; Law Enforcement Officers (LEO)
- Section 17:2-6.17 - Approved allowance
- Section 17:2-6.18 - Option 1 benefit
- Section 17:2-6.19 - Reserved
- Section 17:2-6.20 - Final compensation; 10- and 12-month members reported monthly
- Section 17:2-6.21 - Determination of last year's salary; veterans paid on a monthly basis
- Section 17:2-6.22 - Waiver
- Section 17:2-6.23 - Disability retirement application and termination of service
- Section 17:2-6.24 - Final compensation; biweekly salary computation for employees reported on a biweekly basis
- Section 17:2-6.25 - Determination of last year's salary; veterans reported on a biweekly basis
- Section 17:2-6.26 - Disability retirement applications; examinations; physicians
- Section 17:2-6.27 - Work-related travel; accidental disability retirement and accidental death benefit coverage