- Section 13:47A-13.1 - Scope of Rules of Practice
- Section 13:47A-13.2 - Bureau address and business hours
- Section 13:47A-13.3 - Appearance and practice before the Bureau by non-lawyers
- Section 13:47A-13.4 - Appearance and practice before the Bureau; by lawyers
- Section 13:47A-13.5 - Reserved
- Section 13:47A-13.6 - Notice of appearance; designation for service; power of attorney
- Section 13:47A-13.7 - Service upon the Bureau
- Section 13:47A-13.8 - Service upon persons not represented by counsel
- Section 13:47A-13.9 - Service upon persons represented by counsel
- Section 13:47A-13.10 - Service upon registered persons
- Section 13:47A-13.11 - Answers; when required
- Section 13:47A-13.12 - Time to file answer
- Section 13:47A-13.13 - Requirements of answer; effect of failure to deny
- Section 13:47A-13.14 - Effect of failure to file answer
- Section 13:47A-13.15 - Signature on answer; requirement and effect
- Section 13:47A-13.16 - Offers of settlement
- Section 13:47A-13.17 - Agreement of parties to participation of Bureau Chief in settlement discussions