N.H. Admin. Code Plc, ch. Plc 1300, app F
Plc 307.04 Obligations of Persons Subject to These Rules.
(a) Each person subject to these rules shall comply with all applicable law.
(b) In any application or other document filed with, or statement made to, the licensing bureau or the applicable board, each person subject to these rules shall provide information that, to the best of the person's knowledge and belief, is true, complete, and not misleading.
(c) Each person subject to these rules shall cooperate with investigations and requests for information from the OPLC and the applicable board, wherein "cooperate" means to provide the information requested, answer any questions posed, and allow inspections in order to enable the OPLC or applicable board to determine compliance with applicable law.
(d) Each person subject to these rules shall provide honest and accurate information in reports prepared as part of practicing the profession in which the person is authorized to practice.
(e) Each person subject to these rules shall report evidence of professional misconduct on the part of another licensee when that conduct poses a potential threat to life, health, or safety.
(f) Each person subject to these rules shall maintain sexual boundaries by:
(1) Refraining from any behavior that exploits the professional-client or professional-patient relationship in a sexual way; and
(2) Avoiding any behavior that is sexual, seductive, suggestive, or sexually demeaning, or could be reasonably interpreted as such, even when initiated by or consented to by the target of the behavior.
(g) Each person subject to these rules shall be truthful in publicly representing or advertising himself or herself by avoiding the following:
(1) False, deceptive, or misleading statements;
(2) Unreasonable or exaggerated claims of success;
(3) Guarantees of success;
(4) Claims or implications of professional superiority or of training that cannot be substantiated; and
(5) Unsubstantiated claims of expertise or certification of such in any specific areas of the scope of practice set forth in applicable law.
(h) Each person subject to these rules shall interact with colleagues and clients with honesty and integrity.
(i) No person subject to these rules shall misrepresent professional qualifications or credentials.
(j) Each person subject to these rules shall treat all individuals with whom the person interacts in a professional capacity with respect and civility.
(k) No person subject to these rules shall engage in hazing or sexual, verbal, or physical harassment of any individual when interacting in a professional capacity.
(l) No person subject to these rules shall discriminate based on age, sex, gender identity, race, creed, color, marital status, familial status, physical or mental disability, or national origin, or any additional class protected by law.
N.H. Admin. Code Plc, ch. Plc 1300, app F