Section Gen 401.01 - Definitions In Gen 400 the following terms shall have the following meanings:
(a) "Continuing professional education and professional activity" means structured courses, activities and experiences beyond entry-level professional preparation that are designed to maintain knowledge and advancements and enhancements in the field of genetic counseling.(b) "Distance-learning" means electronic participation in continuing professional education and continuing professional activity described in Gen 405.0(1)(e) provided that the participation can be proven with the required documentation.(c) "Maintenance of continuing competence" means engaging in continuing professional education or continuing professional activity to develop and maintain for the purpose of performing professional responsibilities the following abilities: (1) Knowledge in the field of genetic counseling;(2) Genetic counseling performance skills;(3) Interpersonal abilities;(4) Critical reasoning; and(d) "Practice of genetic counseling" means, for the purposes of advising an individual client, a client's family, or other licensed health care professional as defined in RSA 326-K:1, VI; (1) Obtaining and evaluating individual, family, and medical histories to determine genetic risk for genetic or medical conditions and diseases in a patient, his or her offspring, and other family members;(2) Discussing the features, natural history, means of diagnosis, genetic and environmental factors, and management of risk for genetic or medical conditions and diseases;(3) Identifying and coordinating genetic laboratory tests and other diagnostic studies as appropriate for the genetic assessment;(4) Integrating genetic laboratory test results and other diagnostic studies with personal and family medical history to assess and communicate risk factors for genetic or medical conditions and diseases;(5) Explaining the clinical implications of genetic laboratory tests and other diagnostic studies and their results;(6) Evaluating the client's or family's responses to the condition of risk of recurrence and provide client-centered counseling and anticipatory guidance; and(7) Providing written documentation of medical, genetic, and counseling information for families and health care professionals.(e) "Renewal year" means any odd-numbered year which is not the year of initial licensure.(f) "Sexual misconduct" means engaging in one or more of the following activities with respect to a current client who is not a spouse or civil union partner; (1) Engaging in sexual relations, whether consensual or non-consensual;(2) Making verbal or physical sexual advances;(3) Using sexual language or phrases;(4) Requesting sexual favors; or(5) Engaging in physical contact of a sexual nature.(g) "Teleconference" means a live exchange of information from a remote location linked by a telecommunication system. The term includes teleseminar.(h) "Video lecture" means a teleconference that uses video technology. The term includes video course.(i) "Webinar" means a presentation, lecture, workshop or seminar that is transmitted over the world wide web.N.H. Admin. Code § Gen 401.01
Adopted byVolume XXXIV Number 46, Filed November 13, 2014, Proposed by #10686, Effective 10/7/2014, Expires 10/7/2024.