Current through Register No. 2, January 9, 2025
Section Gal 302.03 - Required Supporting MaterialsIn addition to the completed application form the applicant shall submit or cause to be submitted to the board:
(a) 4 copies of an official transcript of work performed by the applicant in satisfaction of either a bachelor's degree, an associate's degree, or a more advanced degree beyond a bachelor's, whichever is the highest degree obtained by the applicant, which transcript provides that a bachelor's, associate's, or more advanced degree has been awarded;(b) A fully executed state of New Hampshire criminal records release authorization form from the department of safety allowing for the disclosure of the applicant's current criminal record to the board;(c) A check made out to "State of NH - Criminal Records" in the amount specified by Saf-C 5703.10;(d) An original writing together with 3 copies from the central registry of founded abuse and neglect reports indicating that the applicant's name does not now appear in the central registry of founded abuse and neglect reports;(e) A original written submission together with 3 copies prepared by the applicant which: (1) Is in the form of a document separate and distinct from any cover letter or other supporting document submitted;(2) Is clearly labeled "written submission";(3) Is completed in typescript;(4) Contains not less than 200 words nor more than 500 words;(5) Describes the reasons why the applicant wishes to engage in the work of a guardian ad litem;(6) Specifies the applicant's personal qualities or experiences which the applicant believes would enable him or her to successfully engage in the work of a guardian ad litem;(7) Describes the reasons why, in the opinion of the applicant, it should be concluded that the applicant possesses good judgment; and(8) Is written in a style and form that the applicant believes clearly, succinctly and understandably addresses the matters specified in subparagraphs (5) through (7) above;(f) Positive letters of reference from 3 individuals, at least one of whom has known the applicant for at least 2 years and at least one of whom has observed the applicant's interaction with children or incapacitated adults, or who has had the opportunity to form an opinion regarding the applicant's ability to understand and empathize with children or incapacitated adults, which letters shall: (1) Be written by individuals who: a. Are not family members, current business partners, employees, workplace subordinates or business associates of the applicant, except that such letters may be written by a person who is the applicant's supervisor; andb. Are familiar with the applicant's character and overall knowledge, skill, proficiency, and impartiality in contexts that the writer views as indicative of the applicant's future successful performance of the duties of a guardian ad litem;(2) State the applicant's name;(3) Provide the name and mailing address of the person writing the letter;(4) Provide a brief description of the writer's background and experience;(5) State: a. That the writer is not a family member, current business partner, employee, workplace subordinate, or business associate of the applicant, other than a supervisor;b. That the writer is familiar with the applicant's character and overall knowledge, skill, proficiency, and impartiality in contexts that the writer views as indicative of the applicant's future successful performance of the duties of a guardian ad litem; andc. In the case of a letter from a person who has observed the applicant's interaction with children or incapacitated adults, or who has had the opportunity to form an opinion regarding the applicant's ability to understand and empathize with children or incapacitated adults: 1. That the writer has so observed or has formed such opinion, including therein the basis for that observation or opinion; and2. That the writer attests to the applicant's ability to understand and empathize with children or incapacitated adults;(6) Include positive comment on the attributes of the applicant that the writer believes would render the applicant a good candidate for certification as a guardian ad litem;(7) State that the applicant is, in the opinion of the writer, a person of good character and why;(8) Recommend the applicant for certification as a guardian ad litem;(9) Contain the signature of the writer and the date of the letter, which date shall not be more than one year prior to the date of submission to the board; and(10) Be addressed, in the body of the writing, to the board in specific;(g) 4 copies of a photograph identification card or other document issued by a governmental agency, which card or certificate includes, at least:(1) A clear depiction of the applicant;(2) The applicant's name; and(3) The applicant's date of birth;(h) A written waiver of confidentiality stating that the application form, supporting documentation and any other material received by the board from or about the applicant, may be disclosed to: (1) The supreme, superior, district, probate, and any other state court located in the state of New Hampshire, including the New Hampshire judicial branch family division;(2) The federal district court or any other court of the United States located in New Hampshire;(3) Any court in any jurisdiction other than the above, and any certifying board, which requests information on the applicant in connection with the appointment, registration, or certification of the person as a guardian ad litem;(4) Court Appointed Special Advocates of New Hampshire (CASA), if the person is a CASA volunteer; and(5) Any other person or entity not prohibited by law;(i) If the applicant's answer to Gal 302.02(f) (8) is yes, 4 copies of the order, decision, or other writing, if any, from the professional organization or supervising entity setting forth the factual findings and conclusions resulting in disbarment, revocation, suspension, reprimand, discipline, censure, or disqualification;(j) If any disbarment, revocation, suspension, reprimand, discipline, censure, or disqualification noted in (i) above has ended, or if it was subsequently reversed or overturned on appeal, 4 copies of the order, decision or other writing, if any, from the professional organization or supervising entity setting forth the terms under which the disbarment, revocation, suspension, reprimand, discipline, censure, or disqualification has been lifted or the terms under which it was reversed or overturned;(k) If the applicant's answer to Gal 302.02(f) (10), (12), (14), (16), or (18) is yes, 4 copies of the order, decision or other writing, if any, from the sanctioning body or other entity setting forth the factual findings and conclusions resulting in the revocation, suspension, discipline, denial, reprimand, fine, or sanction;(l) If any revocation, suspension, discipline, denial, reprimand, fine, or sanction noted in (k) above has ended, or if it was subsequently reversed or overturned on appeal, 4 copies of the order, decision or other writing, if any, from the sanctioning body setting forth the terms under which the revocation, suspension, discipline, denial, reprimand, fine, or sanction has been lifted or the terms under which it was reversed or overturned;(m) If the applicant's answer to Gal 302.02(f)(19) is yes and he or she has ever been subject to a protective order, 4 copies of the protective order;(n) If any protective order noted in (m) above was subsequently reversed or modified, or if it was overturned on appeal, 4 copies of any order or decision reversing, modifying, or overturning the protective order;(o) If the applicant's answer to Gal 302.02(f)(20) is yes and he or she has been held in contempt of court, 4 copies of the writing or transcript of the portion of the proceeding, if any, holding him or her in contempt;(p) If any finding of contempt noted in (o) above was subsequently reversed or modified, if it was overturned on appeal, or if the finding of contempt has been lifted, 4 copies of any order or decision reversing, modifying, lifting, or overturning the finding; and(q) 4 copies of certificates of attendance at the training specified at Gal 303.02(a) (1-4).N.H. Admin. Code § Gal 302.03
#8101, eff 1-1-05; ss by #8942, eff 9-15-07
Amended by Volume XXXVI Number 45, Filed November 10, 2016, Proposed by #12010, Effective 10/21/2016, Expires 11/1/2026.