Section 706.39435 - Parties: Communication with Commissioners prohibited1. In any contested case pending before the Authority, a party or a protestant or an authorized representative of, or an attorney representing, a party or a protestant shall not communicate, directly or indirectly, with a Commissioner regarding any substantive issues of fact or law that relate to the contested case, unless the communication: (a) Is part of a pleading filed and served in accordance with the provisions of this chapter and chapter 706 of NRS; or(b) Takes place during a formal hearing before the Authority.2. The provisions of this section apply from the date on which the pleading or other document that commences the contested case is filed until 15 days after the date on which the Authority issues a final order in the contested case or, if a petition for reconsideration is filed, until the date on which the Authority issues the order on reconsideration.3. As used in this section, "contested case" means every proceeding pending before the Authority except:(a) A rule-making proceeding conducted pursuant to NRS 233B.0395 to 233B.115, inclusive, whether the proceeding is commenced pursuant to NAC 706.3958 or otherwise;(b) A proceeding involving a petition for a declaratory order or an advisory opinion pursuant to NRS 233B.120 and NAC 706.4007; or(c) Any proceeding in which the Authority is not required by law to conduct a hearing before determining any issue of fact or law, or both.Nev. Admin. Code § 706.39435
Added to NAC by Nev. Transportation Auth. by R091-18, eff. 12-19-2018