Informational Reports
- Section 704.961 - Submission of informational report and updates
- Section 704.9615 - Comprehensive summary of informational report
- Section 704.963 - Maps of major facilities for supply of gas and sources of natural gas
- Section 704.964 - Projection of future prices
- Section 704.9645 - Forecasts of sales volumes and annual peak demand
- Section 704.9655 - Forecast for base growth; assessments of base conservation; levels of energy savings or reduction in demand
- Section 704.966 - Information regarding major facilities; consideration of options for major facilities
- Section 704.9665 - Criteria for retirement of major facilities
- Section 704.9675 - Discussion of alternative strategies
- Section 704.968 - Plan for supply of gas; long-term arrangements for supply, storage and transportation of gas
- Section 704.9687 - Order accepting informational report or specifying inadequacies