Cost Recovery for Replacement of Existing Natural Gas Pipelines and Related Infrastructure
- Section 704.796 - Definitions
- Section 704.7961 - "Early-vintage plastic pipe" defined
- Section 704.7962 - "Early-vintage steel pipe" defined
- Section 704.7963 - "Gas infrastructure replacement" defined
- Section 704.7964 - "Gas infrastructure replacement advance application" and "advance application" defined
- Section 704.7965 - "Gas infrastructure replacement mechanism" and "replacement mechanism" defined
- Section 704.7966 - "Gas infrastructure replacement project" and "replacement project" defined
- Section 704.7967 - "Gas infrastructure replacement project revenue requirement" and "revenue requirement" defined
- Section 704.7968 - "Gas infrastructure replacement rate" and "replacement rate" defined
- Section 704.7969 - "Gas infrastructure replacement rate application" and "rate application" defined
- Section 704.797 - "Gas infrastructure replacement regulatory asset account" and "regulatory asset account" defined
- Section 704.7971 - "Master meter system" defined
- Section 704.7975 - Applicability
- Section 704.7976 - Advance application: Dates on which deemed filed or denied
- Section 704.7977 - Advance application: Required provisions
- Section 704.7978 - Advance application: Calculation of regulatory asset account
- Section 704.7979 - Advance application: Costs proposed must be accounted for and readily identifiable
- Section 704.798 - Rate application: General provisions
- Section 704.7981 - Replacement rate: Effective date
- Section 704.7982 - Rate application: Statement regarding deviations from replacement projects approved in advance application
- Section 704.7983 - Request for waiver of requirement to file rate case
- Section 704.7984 - Requirements for seeking determination of prudency
- Section 704.7985 - Collection of replacement rate from customers; negotiated rate customers; exemptions