Alternative Sellers
- Section 704.79501 - Definitions
- Section 704.79503 - "Affiliate" defined
- Section 704.79505 - "Alternative seller" defined
- Section 704.79507 - "Discretionary service" defined
- Section 704.79509 - "End-use customer" defined
- Section 704.79511 - "Generating customer" defined
- Section 704.79513 - "Industrial customer" defined
- Section 704.79515 - "Large commercial customer" defined
- Section 704.79517 - "Local distribution company" defined
- Section 704.79519 - "Potentially competitive service" defined
- Section 704.79521 - "Residential and small commercial customer" defined
- Section 704.79523 - Application for license of certain alternative sellers of discretionary services
- Section 704.79525 - Applicability of provisions
- Section 704.79527 - Application for license as alternative seller of potentially competitive service
- Section 704.79529 - Bond rating or security deposit requirement; amount of security deposit
- Section 704.79531 - Acceptable securities: Amounts; adjustments
- Section 704.79533 - Documentation required before requesting payment or providing service
- Section 704.79535 - Contract with customer conditioned on compliance with provisions
- Section 704.79537 - Compliance with certain rules, procedures and obligations
- Section 704.79539 - Compliance with generally accepted technical protocols and regulations
- Section 704.79541 - Certain changes in application information to be reported to Commission; prior authorization required for change of business name
- Section 704.79543 - Grounds for denial, revocation, suspension or limitation of license; notification; hearing; determination of Commission; summary suspension; reapplication for license
- Section 704.79545 - Application signed by authorized officer of applicant attesting to truth of information contained therein