Payment, Collection and Enforcement
- Section 702.300 - Certain entities and persons not required to pay universal energy charge
- Section 702.310 - Mill rate for calculating universal energy charge
- Section 702.320 - Universal energy charge based on metered quantity; bill is primary evidence of metered quantity and date on which meter was read
- Section 702.330 - UEC collector and provider of new electric resources required to use phrase "Universal Energy Charge" on bill; exceptions
- Section 702.340 - UEC collector and approved eligible customer required to submit UEC report and remit money to Commission
- Section 702.350 - UEC collector required to pay universal energy charge on certain consumption; exceptions; UEC collector required to submit retail customer report and remit money to Commission
- Section 702.360 - Certain retail customers required to submit retail customer report and remit money to Commission
- Section 702.370 - Prepayment of maximum universal energy charge for calendar quarter
- Section 702.380 - Request for refund
- Section 702.390 - Request for exemption
- Section 702.400 - Procedure when person submits deficient remittance or document; consequences for failure to cure deficiency
- Section 702.410 - Requirements for remitting money to Commission
- Section 702.420 - Methods for submitting remittance or document to Commission; determination of date of receipt by Commission
- Section 702.430 - Forms
- Section 702.440 - Delegation of authority and duties to Staff; petition for review or reconsideration of decision, action or inaction of Staff
- Section 702.450 - Audits and investigations