- Section 652.010 - Definitions
- Section 652.020 - "Accredited" defined
- Section 652.025 - "Approved course" defined
- Section 652.033 - "Board" defined
- Section 652.037 - Repealed
- Section 652.060 - "Committee" defined
- Section 652.065 - "Director" defined
- Section 652.071 - "Division" defined
- Section 652.072 - "Exempt laboratory" defined
- Section 652.073 - "Form" defined
- Section 652.074 - "HIV testing laboratory" defined
- Section 652.075 - "Laboratory" defined
- Section 652.083 - "Licensed laboratory" defined
- Section 652.087 - "National examination for certification" defined
- Section 652.092 - "Outpatient center of a laboratory" defined
- Section 652.115 - "Point-of-care test" defined
- Section 652.125 - "Point-of-care testing device" defined
- Section 652.130 - "Program for proficiency testing" defined
- Section 652.133 - "Quality control" defined
- Section 652.135 - "Registered laboratory" defined
- Section 652.137 - "Rural area" defined
- Section 652.143 - "Test" defined
- Section 652.145 - "Unapproved course" defined
- Section 652.148 - "Unit of continuing education" defined
- Section 652.151 - "Violation" defined
- Section 652.155 - Applicability; exemptions from compliance
- Section 652.156 - Exemption from provisions of chapter for director of HIV testing laboratory
- Section 652.Sec. 2 - NEW
- Section 652.Sec. 3 - NEW