Section 641B.090 - Application for licensure or renewal; conditions for waiver of examination1. An application for licensure or renewal must be complete before the Board will process the application. An applicant for initial licensure or licensure by endorsement must complete the application before the application expires pursuant to subsection 9 or 10, as applicable. The Board will consider such an application to be complete if: (a) The application is submitted on a form provided by the Board;(b) All the information requested has been provided in accordance with the instructions on the form;(c) All payments and fees required by the Board for licensure or renewal have been received by the Board; and(d) All documents required by the Board for licensure or renewal have been received by the Board.2. For good cause, the Board may allow an applicant to present material at its meeting in addition to the materials which he or she has previously submitted to the Board.3. By submitting an application, an applicant grants the Board full authority to make any investigation or personal contact necessary to verify the authenticity of, or to clarify an ambiguity in, the matters and information stated within the application. If the Board so requests, the applicant must supply to the Board information that will verify the authenticity or clarify any ambiguity in the application.4. An applicant for initial licensure must submit to the Board to satisfy the requirements of NRS 641B.202: (a) Two sets of completed fingerprint cards;(b) Written authorization for the Board to forward those cards to the Central Repository for Nevada Records of Criminal History for submission to the Federal Bureau of Investigation for its report; and(c) The amount of the fees charged by the Central Repository for Nevada Records of Criminal History and the Federal Bureau of Investigation for the handling of the fingerprint cards and issuance of the reports of criminal histories.5. If deemed necessary, the Board will appoint a member of the Board or a designee to examine an application, take the actions authorized pursuant to subsection 3 and make recommendations for the Board's action.6. If deemed necessary, the Board will require the personal appearance of the applicant.7. For each application, the Board will:(a) Approve the application;(b) Defer action on the application pending the receipt by the Board of additional information concerning the application; or(c) Deny the application.8. The Board may waive the required examination for an applicant if the applicant passed an examination that is at least equivalent to the examination that the applicant would otherwise be required to take pursuant to NAC 641B.105.9. Before an applicant for initial licensure may take the examination required pursuant to NAC 641B.105, the applicant must obtain approval from the Board to take the examination. An application for initial licensure expires 9 months after the date the initial approval to take the examination is granted by the Board.10. An application for a license by endorsement expires 6 months after the date the application is received by the Board.Nev. Admin. Code § 641B.090
Added to NAC by Bd. of Exam'rs for Social Workers, eff. 9-20-88; A 11-8-95; R112-00, 1-17-2001; R079-02, 1-9-2003; R048-04, 5-25-2004; R142-08, 2-11-2009; A by R110-17AP, eff. 2/27/2018; A by R055-19A, eff. 12/18/2019