Section 641A.146 - Internships: Approval by Board; completion within required time frame; submission of written report from supervisor; request for extension; required hours of supervised experience1. An internship must be:(a) Outlined in a supervision agreement with an approved primary supervisor;(b) Approved by the Board; and(c) Completed within 3 years after the Board approves the internship unless a renewal of the intern's license as an intern is granted pursuant to subsection 4.2. An intern shall, on or before September 15 and March 15 of each year of his or her internship, solicit from his or her approved primary supervisor and submit to the Board: (a) A report from the approved primary supervisor evaluating his or her internship;(b) A report containing all hours of internship experience accumulated to the date of the report; and(c) A report containing all hours of internship experience accumulated within the preceding 6-month period.3. The Board may revoke the license of any intern who fails to file a written report pursuant to subsection 2. An intern who has his or her license revoked pursuant to this subsection:(a) Shall submit to the Board the reasons for his or her failure to file the written report; and(b) Must reapply for a new license in accordance with all applicable provisions of law in place at the time of reapplication.4. If an intern does not complete an internship within 3 years after the Board approves the internship pursuant to subsection 1, the intern must request a renewal of his or her license as an intern from the Board. The Board will only grant one 3-year renewal of the license. If the Board grants a renewal of a license pursuant to this subsection and an intern fails to complete the internship successfully within 3 years after the Board grants the renewal of the license, the intern:(a) Shall submit to the Board the reasons for his or her failure to complete the internship successfully; and(b) Must reapply for a new license in accordance with all applicable provisions of law in place at the time of reapplication.5. To obtain the hours of supervised experience required pursuant to NRS 641A.220 or 641A.231, an intern must complete:(a) At least 1,500 hours of direct contact with clients in the practice of marriage and family therapy or the practice of clinical professional counseling, as applicable;(b) At least 300 hours of marriage and family therapy or clinical professional counseling, as applicable, that is supervised by the primary approved supervisor or secondary approved supervisor or supervisors of the intern, including: (1) At least 160 hours supervised by the primary approved supervisor of the intern; and(2) At least 40 hours supervised by the secondary approved supervisor or supervisors of the intern; and(c) At least 1,200 hours of work related to the practice of marriage and family therapy or the practice of clinical professional counseling, as applicable. Such work must be in addition to the hours required by paragraphs (a) and (b) and may consist of: (1) Not more than 500 hours which consist of direct contact with clients in the practice of marriage and family therapy or the practice of clinical professional counseling, as applicable, that is performed in conjunction with a graduate program of study;(2) Not more than 600 hours of leading group psychotherapy or process groups;(3) Not more than 200 hours of teaching, including, but not limited to, leading sessions for parent or family education, leading workshops, leading psychoeducation groups or participating in other teaching activities, which are:(I) Approved by the primary approved supervisor of the intern; and(4) Not more than 150 hours of individual counseling or therapy which the intern personally receives from a licensed mental health professional who is not the approved supervisor of the intern; and(5) Not more than 200 hours of training approved by the primary approved supervisor of the intern, including, but not limited to: (I) Graduate course work at a university; or(II) Attendance at a workshop related to the practice of marriage and family therapy or the practice of clinical professional counseling.6. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 7, the Board may approve credit not to exceed the amounts prescribed by this subsection for experience gained by a person before the person applied for licensure as an intern pursuant to the provisions of NAC 641A.156. The Board may approve:(a) Not more than 750 hours of credit for direct contact with clients in the practice of marriage and family therapy or the practice of clinical professional counseling, as applicable, for the purpose of satisfying the requirements of paragraph (a) of subsection 5.(b) Not more than 150 hours of credit for supervised marriage and family therapy or supervised clinical professional counseling, as applicable, for the purpose of satisfying the requirements of paragraph (b) of subsection 5.(c) Any number of hours of credit for activities described in paragraph (c) of subsection 5 for the purpose of satisfying the requirements of that paragraph.7. The Board may approve any number of hours of credit for experience gained by a person who is an active member of the Armed Forces of the United States or a spouse of an active member of the Armed Forces of the United States before the person applied for licensure as an intern pursuant to the provisions of NAC 641A.156 for the purpose of satisfying the requirements of subsection 5.8. A person may request approval of prior experience for credit pursuant to subsection 6 or 7 at the time he or she submits his or her application for a license as an intern by submitting: (a) Documentation of the hours of experience from the state in which the person is currently licensed; or(b) A letter from a supervisor approved by the Board or the corresponding regulatory authority of the District of Columbia or the other state or territory in which the person acquired the experience.9. As used in this section, "mental health professional" means a person licensed in the District of Columbia or any state or territory of the United States as a psychiatrist, psychologist, marriage and family therapist, clinical professional counselor or clinical social worker.Nev. Admin. Code § 641A.146
Added to NAC by Bd. of Exam'rs for Marriage & Fam. Therapists, eff. 12-14-87; A 1-12-96; R173-03, 8-20-2004; A by Bd. of Exam'rs for Marriage & Fam. Therapists & Clinical Prof. Counselors by R060-08, 9-18-2008; Added to NAC by Bd. of Exam'rs for Marriage & Fam. Therapists, eff. 12-14-87; A 1-12-96; R173-03, 8-20-2004; A by Bd. of Exam'rs for Marriage & Fam. Therapists & Clinical Prof. Counselors by R060-08, 9-18-2008; R163-12, 6/23/2014; A by R094-18AP, eff. 8/30/2018; A by R051-19A, eff. 2/20/2020; A by R057-22A, eff. 9/13/2022NRS 641A.160, 641A.287, 641A.288