Section 585.670 - Reporting of gross receipts by manufacturers1. A manufacturer of these substances shall report his or her gross receipts based upon the manufacturer's designated sales price whether or not the revenue from the sales is actually received by the manufacturer in the quarter covered by the report or in a subsequent quarter. The manufacturer's report must be made on a form prescribed by the Nevada Tax Commission.2. No allowance for nonpayment of the sales price by any purchaser may be deducted from the manufacturer's gross receipts.3. Any sales of the substances to the manufacturer's subsidiaries must be included in the manufacturer's gross receipts at the sales price computed and charged to the subsidiaries without deduction for expenses incurred for intercorporate accounting or transactions.4. Each manufacturer shall maintain accurate and complete records of all sales of the substances for at least 4 years.Nev. Admin. Code § 585.670
Tax Comm'n, Amygdalin and Procaine Hydrochloride Reg. part No. 1, eff. 2-5-82