- Section 490.010 - Definitions
- Section 490.015 - "Advertisement" defined
- Section 490.020 - "Authorized dealer" defined
- Section 490.021 - "Authorized representative" defined
- Section 490.040 - "Department" defined
- Section 490.041 - "Display an off-highway vehicle for sale" defined
- Section 490.042 - "Distributor" defined
- Section 490.043 - "Document" defined
- Section 490.044 - "Down payment" defined
- Section 490.045 - "Exhibit off-highway vehicles" defined
- Section 490.046 - "Identification number" defined
- Section 490.047 - "Lienholder" defined
- Section 490.050 - "Off-highway vehicle" defined
- Section 490.051 - "Owner" defined
- Section 490.052 - "Purchase price" defined
- Section 490.053 - "Registered owner" defined
- Section 490.054 - "Resident" defined
- Section 490.055 - "Security interest" defined
- Section 490.065 - Confidentiality of personal information
- Section 490.075 - Form for authorization of disclosure of financial records
- Section 490.085 - Provision of forms
- Section 490.095 - Request for extension of time to submit certain documents and fees; granting of request
- Section 490.105 - Denial of request for extension of time to submit certain documents and fees; resubmission of request; return and resubmission of certain documents
- Section 490.115 - Duties of Department upon presentation of off-highway vehicle to obtain identification number
- Section 490.120 - Validity of registration decal: Powers and duties of Department and authorized dealers
- Section 490.125 - Notification of Department or local law enforcement agency within certain period of discovery of off-highway vehicle having certain numbers or marks falsely attached, removed, defaced, altered or obliterated