- Section 489.610 - Definitions
- Section 489.614 - "Course" defined
- Section 489.618 - "Instructor" defined
- Section 489.620 - "School" defined
- Section 489.622 - "Sponsor" defined
- Section 489.624 - Approval of course, instructor and sponsor: Requirements; procedure
- Section 489.626 - Application for approval of sponsor, instructor or course: Contents; action by Administrator
- Section 489.628 - Prerequisites to approval of instructor
- Section 489.630 - Criteria for approval of course
- Section 489.632 - Approval of certain courses
- Section 489.634 - Contents of course
- Section 489.638 - Renewal of approval for instructor, sponsor or course
- Section 489.640 - Fees; late application for renewal of approval of sponsor, instructor or course
- Section 489.642 - Hearing on denial of application for approval or renewal of approval of sponsor, instructor or course
- Section 489.644 - Withdrawal of approval of instructor, sponsor or course
- Section 489.646 - Sponsors and instructors: General duties
- Section 489.648 - Sponsors and instructors: Offering of course by correspondence or videotape
- Section 489.650 - Instructors: Evaluation of course
- Section 489.652 - Sponsors: Restriction on employment of person as instructor
- Section 489.654 - Prohibition against restriction on enrollment in course offered by organization
- Section 489.656 - Contents of advertisement and form for registration of course
- Section 489.658 - Contents of materials required for course
- Section 489.660 - Certificates of completion: Contents
- Section 489.662 - Certificates of completion: Restriction on issuance