Radiological Criteria for Termination of License
- Section 459.316 - Definitions
- Section 459.3164 - "Critical group" defined
- Section 459.3166 - "Distinguishable from background radiation" defined
- Section 459.3168 - "Residual radioactivity" defined
- Section 459.317 - Applicability
- Section 459.3172 - Explanation of total effective dose equivalent to average member of critical group used
- Section 459.3174 - Requirements for issuance of any license
- Section 459.3176 - Additional cleanup of decommissioned site
- Section 459.3178 - Property of decommissioned facility: Eligibility for release for unrestricted use
- Section 459.318 - Property of decommissioned facility: Eligibility for release for restricted use
- Section 459.3182 - Property of decommissioned facility: Alternate criteria for release for restricted or unrestricted use
- Section 459.3184 - Notice to public; public comment