Section 439.370 - Motions1. All motions, unless made during a hearing, must be in writing.2. Each written motion must set forth the nature of the relief sought, the grounds for the relief and citations of applicable authority.3. A party desiring to oppose a motion may serve and file a written response to the motion within 10 days after receiving the motion.4. The moving party may serve and file a written reply within 5 days after a written response to the motion has been served and filed.5. A decision on a motion will be rendered without oral argument unless the hearing officer requires an oral argument, and in that event the hearing officer shall set a date and time for hearing the argument.Nev. Admin. Code § 439.370
Bd. of Health, License Hearings Rule 6, eff. 6-24-80-NAC A by R037-97, 10-30-97