Current through December 31, 2024
Section 432B.400 - Case plan for child receiving foster care; reports regarding child placed outside state where parents reside1. The agency which provides child welfare services shall develop a written case plan for a child within 45 days after the date on which the child is removed from his home. The case plan:(a) Must:(1) If possible, be developed jointly with a parent or guardian of the child who is receiving foster care;(2) Be developed with input from the child if the agency which provides child welfare services determines it is appropriate, based on the age and stage of development of the child; and(3) Be developed with input from the foster parent caring for the child.(b) Must include a plan to ensure that:(1) The care that the child receives is safe and proper; and(2) The parent or guardian of the child receives services to improve the condition of the home as well as to facilitate the safe return of the child to his home or another permanent placement; and(c) Must be updated at least once every 6 months and submitted to the court with the report required by NRS 432B.580.2. The case plan developed pursuant to subsection 1 must include:(a) A statement addressing the long-term goals of the plan, including reunification of the child and his family, permanent placement of the child with a relative, placement of the child for adoption, placement of the child into a legal guardianship or placement of the child into another permanent living arrangement;(b) A projected time by which these goals should be achieved;(c) A description of the current strengths of the family and the needs which must be satisfied to achieve these goals;(d) A description of services offered or provided to prevent removal of the child from his home and to reunify the family of the child;(e) A description of the type of home or institution in which the child is placed;(f) A description of the safety and appropriateness of the placement to ensure that the child receives proper care, including, without limitation, a description of the manner in which the agency will accomplish this goal;(g) A description of the manner in which the agency will ensure that services are provided to the child and the foster parents which address the needs of the child while in foster care, including, without limitation, the appropriateness of services that have been provided pursuant to the case plan;(h) A description, as applicable, of the programs and services which will assist a child in foster care who is 16 years of age or older prepare for the transition from foster care to independent living;(i) If the goal of the case plan is adoption or placement in another permanent home, a description of the steps that will be taken to finalize the adoption or placement, including any steps that will be taken to recruit adoptive parents through the use of electronic or other types of state, regional and national adoption exchanges, or by other means;(j) A description of the manner in which a placement will be made and the reasons that such a placement will be in the best interest of the child, with particular consideration given to a placement that is safe and in the least restrictive familial environment available;(k) In addition to the factors set forth in paragraph ( j), if the goal of the case plan is reunification of the child and his family, the description provided pursuant to paragraph ( j) must indicate that particular consideration will be given to a placement that is in close proximity to the home of the parent of the child;(l) If the child will be placed in a family foster home or institution for child care that is located a substantial distance from or in a different state than where the family of the child resides, a description of the reasons that such a placement will be in the best interest of the child;(m) If a child is placed in a family foster home or institution for child care that is located in a different state than where the parents of the child reside, a description of the frequency with which a caseworker from an agency that provides child welfare services and that is located in the state in which the child is placed or the state in which the parents of the child reside will visit the foster home or institution and will submit a report to the agency that provides child welfare services in the state in which the parents of the child reside;(n) A description of the efforts that will be made to place children who are siblings together;(o) A plan for family visitation, including, without limitation, visiting siblings if the siblings are not residing together;(p) A statement indicating that the proximity of the school in which the child was enrolled at the time that he was placed in foster care was considered as a factor in the selection of the placement for foster care; and(q) The health and education records of the child to the extent those records are available, including, without limitation:(1) The names and addresses of the providers of health care and education of the child;(2) The grade level at which the child performs;(3) Documentation of the immunizations that the child has had;(4) Documentation of any known medical or psychological problems of the child;(5) Documentation of any medications prescribed for the child; and(6) Such other health or educational information concerning the child as the agency which provides child welfare services determines is necessary.3. The agency which provides child welfare services shall ensure that the report described in paragraph (m) of subsection 2 is submitted to the agency located in the county in which the parents of the child reside at least once every 12 months.4. As used in this section:(a) "Education records" means a report card or other report of progress and an individual education plan, if applicable.(b) "Family foster home" has the meaning ascribed to it in NRS 424.013.Nev. Admin. Code § 432B.400
Added to NAC by Div. of Child & Fam. Services, eff. 5-14-96; A by R045-02, 7-23-2002