Nev. Admin. Code § 432B.250

Current through December 31, 2024
Section 432B.250 - Voluntary placement of child
1. The decision to seek voluntary placement of a child in foster care may be made only after a thorough discussion of resources available in the community, and an exploration of relatives as a resource for placement or other appropriate services to prevent an unnecessary placement in foster care.
2. The caseworker and the caretaker shall enter into a written agreement specifying the length of placement, which may not exceed 180 days, and a plan of action for the return of the child. Copies of such a voluntary agreement must be provided to all parties to the agreement.
3. When the return of the child to the family is the plan, work must continue with the parents during and after placement to help them use their potential strengths to make the home safer and better for the child, integrating plans for placement with the goals of child welfare services. The caseworker must ascertain whether care of the child has improved in such a manner as to meet the essential standards of child care and to consolidate the gains that have been made.

Nev. Admin. Code § 432B.250

Welfare Div., Standards for Child Protective Services part Art. III-H, eff. 9-11-87-NAC A by Div. of Child & Fam. Services by R045-02, 7-23-2002

NRS 432B.190, 432B.360