Section 390.290 - Charter school to provide remedial study to pupil who fails end-of-course examination; plan to provide remedial study to be provided to sponsor; review and approval of plan; times remedial study to be offered1. Each charter school shall provide remedial study to each pupil enrolled in the charter school who fails an end-of-course examination.2. The governing body of each charter school shall develop a plan to provide the remedial study described in subsection 1. The plan must prescribe an appropriate amount of remedial study, as determined by the teacher of the course with which the examination is aligned, the governing body of the charter school, or both, for each end-of-course examination.3. Not later than July 1, the governing body of each charter school shall submit to the sponsor of the charter school the plan developed pursuant to subsection 2.4. Not later than 45 days after a sponsor of the charter school receives a plan submitted pursuant to subsection 3 or resubmitted pursuant to subsection 5, the sponsor shall review the plan and: (a) Approve the plan and provide notice to the governing body of the charter school that the plan is approved; or(b) Return the plan to the governing body of the charter school with recommendations for revision.5. If the sponsor of a charter school returns a plan to the governing body of the charter school pursuant to paragraph (b) of subsection 4, the governing body shall, within 20 days after it receives the plan, revise and resubmit the plan to the sponsor of the charter school. A plan may be revised and resubmitted until it is approved.6. A charter school shall not charge a pupil for any of the costs related to the remedial study, including, without limitation, costs relating to transporting the pupil to the location where the remedial study is provided.7. The remedial study described in subsection 1 may be offered:(a) During the regular school day;(b) During summer school;(c) During intersession school; or(d) As part of a program offered before or after the regular school day.Nev. Admin. Code § 390.290
(Added to NAC by Bd. of Education by R061-14, eff. 12-22-2014) - (Substituted in revision for NAC 389.0576)