Permits shall be obtained from the Nebraska State Patrol for the following:
005.01 Permits to Store Explosive Materials This permit authorizes the holder thereof, whether the holder be an individual, A partnership, a company, a corporation, or any other business enterprise, to store explosive materials in the amounts and types designated by the permit. Such storage must be in conformity with the rules and regulations for storage promulgated by the Nebraska State Patrol.
005.02 A Permit for the Purchase of Explosive Materials by a Business Enterprise This permit authorizes a business enterprise (whether it be a corporation, partnership, association, limited liability company or a company) which is in possession of a storage permit to purchase such explosive materials as it is authorized to store. The permit to purchase explosives which is possessed by a business enterprise which is not in possession of a storage permit authorizes such permittee to purchase explosive materials for such blasting operations as may legitimately occur to that business enterprise; provided, however, that the explosives purchased and provided further, that upon any purchase of the explosives, the business enterprise have at least one employee possessing a valid use permit issued under this section.
005.03 A Permit to Use Explosive Materials This permit is issued to those individuals who, by their training and special understanding in the use of explosives and the detonation thereof demonstrate to the Nebraska State Patrol that they are competent to handle such explosive materials, detonate them, and do, in fact, have a legitimate requirement to be engaged in such activities.
005.04 An applicant qualified for any Nebraska State Patrol issued explosive permits as provided in Section 28-1232 Neb. Rev. Statutes shall pay the following fees to the Nebraska State Patrol: 005.04A Storage of Explosives Materials. Fee - $50 each per year.005.04B Use of Explosive Materials. Fee - $10 each per year.005.04C Purchase of Explosive Materials by a Business Enterprise. Fee - $10 each per year.005.04D Storage for Display Fireworks. No permit is required by the Nebraska State Patrol for the temporary storage for display fireworks. Display fireworks are classified as low explosive. Temporary storage is defined as storage for no more than 14 days prior to the scheduled display or use of these special fireworks. Display fireworks are such fireworks as defined in Nebraska Statute 28-1241. 005.04D1 Storage of display fireworks for longer than 14 days shall require explosive use and storage permits from the Nebraska State Patrol.005.04D2 Display fireworks users shall comply with the rules and regulations of the federal Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms (ATF), Nebraska State Fire Marshal or any local authority having jurisdiction.005.04D3 The regulations for the storage of low explosives require that any such storage facility be fire resistant, weather resistant and theft resistant. Storage in a residence or dwelling is not allowed.005.04D4 Acceptable for temporary storage of packaged display fireworks received prior to a scheduled display would be any facility approved by the ATF, provided that the facility contains no source of flame i.e., pilot lights or exposed heaters, and is kept locked, or any explosive magazine. Magazines must be located at least 75 feet from any inhabited building, passenger railway or public highway.005.05 The correct fee must accompany the application for a permit to the Nebraska State Patrol, Lincoln, Nebraska. A check or money order for the fee shall be made payable to the Nebraska State Patrol.005.06 Permits issued under these regulations shall be dated and numbered and will be valid for dates, calendar year, or period as provided in Section 28-1229 Neb. Rev. Stat., after date of issue, unless sooner revoked or suspended. Application for renewal of permits shall be made to the Nebraska State Patrol on or before November 1, prior to the renewal date of said permit to avoid possible lapse of said permit.005.07 Where application for an explosives permit is made in the name of a corporation or company, the application shall also include the name of the person who will be responsible for compliance with the provisions of Sections 28-1213 to 28-1239 Neb. Rev. Stat., and any Regulations promulgated thereunder by the Nebraska State Patrol.272 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 5, § 005