294 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 14, § 294-14.008

Current through September 17, 2024
Section 294-14.008 - TEST BARN
14.008.01 An area within a suitable building must be set aside and be under the supervision of the official veterinarian for the purpose of collecting specimens for any tests required by the Commission. Said building, its location, arrangement, furnishings and facilities, including refrigeration and hot and cold running water, must be approved by the Commission.
14.008.02 No unauthorized person shall be admitted at any time to the building or the area utilized for the purpose of collecting the required specimens or the area designated for the retention of horses pending the obtaining of said specimens.
14.008.03 A guard, approved by the Commission, must be in attendance during the hours designated by the Commission.
14.008.04 The winner of every race and such other horses as the stewards may designate shall be taken immediately after the race, by an assistant to the official veterinarian, by the owner, trainer, authorized representative, to the testing enclosure for examination by the supervisor of drug tests and the taking of such specimens of body fluids and eliminations as shall be directed. Blood specimens may be taken by a veterinary technician, except that the owner, trainer, or authorized representative may request that blood be taken by the official veterinarian. Any excess urine specimen over the amount required by the official veterinarian shall be collected in a separate container and sealed, signed, and witnessed as per Chapter 14.008.07.

The trainer of any horse selected shall be entitled to request a copy of the test report.

14.008.04A No fewer than three horses, or such larger number as may be designated by the Commission, shall be selected at random each race day from horses that are required to report to the test barn. From each of the horses so selected, a blood sample shall be obtained in an amount to be determined by the official veterinarian. These samples shall be designated for quantitative analysis of levels of phenylbutazone by the official laboratory. The blood samples shall be in addition to urine samples and shall be drawn within thirty (30) minutes of all horses competing in a given race; provided that no blood samples shall be excluded as evidence by virtue of occurring later than the thirty (30) minute testing period.
14.008.04B This rule shall not be construed to prohibit the testing of any blood samples for other prohibited drugs, nor to prohibit or prevent quantitative testing for levels of phenylbutazone in any other blood samples obtained.
14.008.04C If laboratory testing indicates a level of phenylbutazone in excess of 2.5 ug/ml and less than or equal to 5.0 ug/ml, the official veterinarian shall provide to the trainer of the horse tested, confidential notice of the fact that suggests a need to carefully review practices concerning administration of phenylbutazone.
14.008.05 The stewards of the meeting may require at any time that any horse be sent to the testing enclosure for the taking of such specimens of saliva, urine and/or blood as shall be directed as well as for an examination for "sponging" and such other examination as shall be directed.
14.008.06 The authorized representative of the Racing Commission may also require the taking of any or all of the foregoing specimens from any horse stabled at a track during a meeting.
14.008.07 The owner, the trainer or other authorized representative must be present when a saliva, urine or other specimen is taken from his horse, and must remain until the specimen is sealed and the official form signed by the owner or trainer or their representative as witness, to the taking of the specimen. Willful failure to be present at or a refusal to allow the taking of any specimen, or any act or threat to impede or prevent or otherwise interfere therewith, shall subject the person or persons guilty thereof to immediate suspension and the matter shall be referred to the Nebraska State Racing Commission for such penalty as in their discretion they may determine. (See Chapter 18.011)

294 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 14, § 294-14.008