92 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 17, § 003

Current through September 17, 2024
Section 92-17-003 - Establishment and General Requirements of Alternative Schools, Classes, or Programs
003.01 Effective July 1, 1997, the school district shall provide an alternative school, class, or program or shall carry out the procedures of Section 79-266(2) found in Section 005 of this Rule for students who have been expelled.
003.01A The alternative school, class, or program for expelled students may be provided by the district, through a cooperative arrangement of two or more districts, or through an arrangement with an educational service unit.
003.01B Alternative schools, classes, or programs for expelled students may include community-based programs, home-based programs, specialized tutorial experiences, distance-learning, or other programs approved by the local board of education.
003.01C The school, class, or program for expelled students shall enable the student to continue academic work for credit, and shall also include the standard of student behavior and cooperation required of the student to complete the alternative learning program.
003.01D If the student fails to meet any of the conditions of the learning program, the district may, without further obligation, terminate the program after a due process hearing, as required in statutory provisions for suspension and expulsion of students, unless waived by the parent or legal guardian.
003.02 The school district shall have a written policy or plan describing how credit is awarded to students participating in alternative schools, classes, or programs for expelled students.
003.03 The school district shall make known to expelled students what alternative school(s), class(es), or program(s) is (are) available. If the parent or guardian should refuse to participate, the district has no further obligation with regard to provision of an alternative school, class, or program.
003.04 Teachers assigned to an alternative school, class, or program for expelled students being provided on-site by a school district or an educational service unit shall hold a valid Nebraska Teaching or Administrative Certificate issued pursuant to 92 NAC 21. Community-based or other off-site programs shall be planned in cooperation with and monitored or supervised by a school district staff member holding a Nebraska Teaching or Administrative Certificate issued pursuant to 92 NAC 21.
003.05 Alternative schools, classes, or programs for expelled students may be conducted at times other than the regular school day.

92 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 17, § 003