- Subchapter 38.5.1 - Minimum Rate Case Filing Standards for Electric, Gas, and Private Water Utilities (§§ 38.5.101 — 38.5.195)
- Subchapter 38.5.2 - Compensation for Consumer Intervenors in the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act (PURPA) -Related Proceedings (§§ 38.5.201 — 38.5.204)
- Subchapter 38.5.3 - Minimum Rate Case Filing Standards for Municipal Water and Sewer Utilities (§§ 38.5.301 — 38.5.313)
- Subchapter 38.5.4 - Radio Common Carriers (§§ 38.5.401 — 38.5.404)
- Subchapter 38.5.5 - Interim Utility Rate Increases (§§ 38.5.501 — 38.5.508)
- Subchapter 38.5.6 - Optional Filing Standards for Electric, Gas, Water, and Sewer Utilities (Repealed) (§§ 38.5.601 — 38.5.611)
- Subchapter 38.5.7 - Municipally-Owned Utilities (§§ 38.5.701 — 38.5.702)
- Subchapter 38.5.8 - Minimum Filing Requirements for Rate Adjustments for Taxes and Fees (§§ 38.5.801 — 38.5.812)
- Subchapter 38.5.9 - Billing Errors (§§ 38.5.901 — 38.5.904)
- Subchapter 38.5.10 - Service Requirements (§§ 38.5.1001 — 38.5.1010)
- Subchapter 38.5.11 - Customer Deposit for Guarantee Payment (§§ 38.5.1101 — 38.5.1112)
- Subchapter 38.5.12 - Standby Charges (§§ 38.5.1201 — 38.5.1205)
- Subchapter 38.5.13 - Telephone Extended Area Service Guidelines (§§ 38.5.1301 — 38.5.1315)
- Subchapter 38.5.14 - Termination of Gas and Electric Service (§§ 38.5.1401 — 38.5.1418)
- Subchapter 38.5.15 - Rate Information to be Provided by Electric Utilities (§§ 38.5.1501 — 38.5.1506)
- Subchapter 38.5.16 - Master Meters in New Buildings (§§ 38.5.1601 — 38.5.1603)
- Subchapter 38.5.17 - Automatic Adjustment Clauses (§§ 38.5.1701 — 38.5.1702)
- Subchapter 38.5.18 - Outdoor Lighting (§§ 38.5.1801 — 38.5.1811)
- Subchapter 38.5.19 - Cogeneration and Small Power Production (§§ 38.5.1901 — 38.5.1912)
- Subchapter 38.5.20 - Least Cost Planning - Electric Utilities (§§ 38.5.2001 — 38.5.2025)
- Subchapter 38.5.21 - Service Standards - Electric Utilities (§§ 38.5.2101 — 38.5.2102)
- Subchapter 38.5.22 - Pipeline Safety (§§ 38.5.2201 — 38.5.2220)
- Subchapter 38.5.23 - Pipeline Safety - Drug Testing (§§ 38.5.2301 — 38.5.2327)
- Subchapter 38.5.24 - Permissible Utility Charges for the Purpose of Accommodating House and Other Structure Moves (§§ 38.5.2401 — 38.5.2414)
- Subchapter 38.5.25 - Privately Owned Water Utilities (§§ 38.5.2501 — 38.5.2532)
- Subchapter 38.5.26 - Additional Utility Requirements (§§ 38.5.2601 — 38.5.2610)
- Subchapter 38.5.27 - Telecommunications Act (§§ 38.5.2701 — 38.5.2760)
- Subchapter 38.5.28 - Minimum Rate Case Filing Requirements for Telephone Utilities (§§ 38.5.2801 — 38.5.2821)
- Subchapter 38.5.29 - Guidelines for Calculating the Amount of Contribution in Aid of Construction to be Collected From a Utility Customer (§§ 38.5.2901 — 38.5.2904)
- Subchapter 38.5.30 - Montana Interim Universal Access Program (§§ 38.5.3001 — 38.5.3009)
- Subchapter 38.5.31 - Inter-carrier Compensation (§§ 38.5.3101 — 38.5.3106)
- Subchapter 38.5.32 - Eligible Telecommunications Carriers and Lifeline/Link-Up (§§ 38.5.3201 — 38.5.3230)
- Subchapter 38.5.33 - Telecommunications Service Standards (§§ 38.5.3301 — 38.5.3371)
- Subchapter 38.5.34 - Operator Service Providers (§§ 38.5.3401 — 38.5.3440)
- Subchapter 38.5.37 - Interexchange Carrier Regulatory Requirements (§§ 38.5.3701 — 38.5.3732)
- Subchapter 38.5.38 - Unauthorized Change of Provider (§§ 38.5.3801 — 38.5.3819)
- Subchapter 38.5.39 - Unauthorized Product or Service Charges on Telephone Bills (§§ 38.5.3901 — 38.5.3913)
- Subchapter 38.5.40 - Interconnection (§§ 38.5.4001 — 38.5.4085)
- Subchapter 38.5.41 - IntraLATA Equal Access Implementation (§§ 38.5.4101 — 38.5.4120)
- Subchapter 38.5.42 - Registration Requirements and Obligations of Service Providers, Billing Aggregators, and Billing Agents (§§ 38.5.4201 — 38.5.4202)
- Subchapter 38.5.43 - Montana Energy Impact Assistance Financing (§ 38.5.4303)
- Subchapter 38.5.60 - Electric and Natural Gas Utility Restructuring Consumer Information and Protection (§§ 38.5.6001 — 38.5.6010)
- Subchapter 38.5.70 - Natural Gas Utility Restructuring Provider Conduct, Supplier Licensing, Universal System Benefits Program (§§ 38.5.7001 — 38.5.7021)
- Subchapter 38.5.71 - Minimum Filing Requirements for Restructured Gas Utility Applications for Approval of Natural Gas Production or Gathering Resources (§ 38.5.7101)
- Subchapter 38.5.80 - Electric Utility Restructuring Electricity Supplier Licensing and Reporting (§§ 38.5.8001 — 38.5.8006)
- Subchapter 38.5.81 - Electric Utility Restructuring Default Supplier Licensing (§§ 38.5.8101 — 38.5.8102)
- Subchapter 38.5.82 - Default Electric Supplier Procurement Guidelines (§§ 38.5.8201 — 38.5.8229)
- Subchapter 38.5.83 - Renewable Energy Resource Standard (Repealed) (§§ 38.5.8301 — 38.5.8302)
- Subchapter 38.5.84 - Small Generator Interconnection (§§ 38.5.8401 — 38.5.8413)
- Subchapter 38.5.86 - Energy Utility Service Standards (§§ 38.5.8601 — 38.5.8619)