Chapter 32.4 - DISEASE CONTROL
- Subchapter 32.4.1 - Definitions (§ 32.4.101)
- Subchapter 32.4.2 - Identification (§§ 32.4.201 — 32.4.203)
- Subchapter 32.4.3 - Inspection (§§ 32.4.301 — 32.4.302)
- Subchapter 32.4.4 - Testing Requirements (§§ 32.4.401 — 32.4.406)
- Subchapter 32.4.5 - Restricted or Prohibited Alternative Livestock (§§ 32.4.501 — 32.4.502)
- Subchapter 32.4.6 - Shipment (§§ 32.4.601 — 32.4.602)
- Subchapter 32.4.7 - Transportation (§§ 32.4.701 — 32.4.702)
- Subchapter 32.4.8 - Quarantine and Handling (§§ 32.4.801 — 32.4.803)
- Subchapter 32.4.9 - Conditions and Penalties (§§ 32.4.901 — 32.4.902)
- Subchapter 32.4.10 - Reporting Diseases and Disposal of Carcasses (§§ 32.4.1001 — 32.4.1002)
- Subchapter 32.4.13 - Chronic Wasting Disease (§§ 32.4.1301 — 32.4.1320)