PURPOSE: This proposed amendment identifies that only electronic bids will be received and clarifies that the Construction and Materials Division is responsible for prequalification determinations.
Division Engineer, Construction and Materials
Missouri Department of Transportation
1617 Missouri Boulevard
PO Box 270
Jefferson City, MO 65102-0270
Commission Secretary
Missouri Highways and
Transportation Commission
105 West Capitol Avenue
PO Box 270
Jefferson City, MO 65102-0270
The request for review shall state specifically and completely the legal and factual basis upon which the contractor believes its prequal-ification application was denied in error. At the commission's sole discretion, the commission shall decide if it wishes to review the final departmental decision. If the commission elects to itself review that decision, it shall make its review when it deems best, upon the records and documents in the possession of the department. There will be no further briefing, personal appearance, argument, or presentation to the commission by the contractor or its representative, agent, or attorney. The commission's decision on that record shall supersede the prior decision of the department, and shall then constitute the final administrative decision. If the commission elects in its sole discretion to not review the department's decision, then that departmental decision shall stand as the final administrative decision.
7 CSR 10-15.010
*Original authority: 226.130, RSMo 1939, amended 1993, 1995; 227.105, RSMo 1996.