PURPOSE: The board is a mending section (1) the reference to the statute regarding the application for licensure, section (2) by deleting the method of completion of the application for licensure, subsection (2)(A) deleting the reference to the fee rule, section (3) deleting the reference to the method of completion and notarization requirements, and section (8) deletes the word preliminary as the executive director has been delegated the authority to approve all applications.
20 CSR 2234-2.010
*Original authority: 324.1102, RSMo 2007, amended 2010, 2011; 324.1108, RSMo 2007, amended 2011; 324.1110, RSMo 2007, amended 2010, 2011 ; 324.1112, RSMo 2007, amended 2010, 2011 ; and 324.1114, RSMo 2007, amended 2010, 2011.