PURPOSE: The purpose of this regulation is to provide:
x =original issue age;
k =the number of years from the date of issue to the beginning of the segment;
t =1, 2, ...; tis reset to 1 at the beginning of each segment;
GPx+k+t-1 = Guaranteed gross premium per thousand of face amount for year t of the segment, ignoring policy fees only if level for the premium paying period of the policy.
However, R may be in t creased or decreased by one percent in any policy year, at the company's option, but R shall not be less than t one;
x, k and t are as defined above, and q = valuation mortality rate for x+k+t-1
deficiency reserves in policy year k+t but using the mortality of paragraph (3)(B)2. if paragraph (3)(B)3. is elected for deficiency reserves.
However, if GP is greater than 0 and x+k+t
GP is equal to 0, G shall be x+k+t-1 t deemed to be 1000. If GP and x+k+t
GP are both equal to 0, G shall be x+k+t-1 t deemed to be 0.
Ability of a Policyowner to Keep a Policy in Force Over a Secondary Guarantee Period.
Appendix to Rule 20 CSR 200-1.160 Valuation of Life Insurance Policies
This appendix contains tables of select mortality factors that are the bases to which the respective percentage of paragraphs (3)(A)2., (3)(B)2., and (3)(B)3. are applied.
The six tables of select mortality factors contained herein include:
These tables apply to both age last birthday and age nearest birthday mortality tables.
For sex-blended mortality tables, compute select mortality factors in the same proportion as the underlying mortality. For example, for the 1980 CSO-B Table, the calculated select mortality factors are eighty percent (80%) of the appropriate male table in this Appendix, plus twenty percent (20%) of the appropriate female table in this Appendix.
20 CSR 200-1.160