PURPOSE: This rule identifies dishonest or unethical business practices for broker-dealers or agents.
"I, [NAME OF CUSTOMER], consent to my [as applicable, NAME OF BROKER-DEALER OR AGENT] incorporating a social objective or other nonfinancial objective into any discretionary investment decision my [as applicable, BROKER-DEALER OR AGENT] makes for my account; any recommendation, advice, or solicitation my [as applicable, BROKER-DEALER OR AGENT] makes to me for the purchase or sale of a security or commodity; or the selection my [as applicable, BROKER DEALER OR AGENT] makes, or recommendation or advice my [as applicable, BROKER-DEALER OR AGENT] makes to me regarding the selection of, a third-party manager or subadviser to manage the investments in my account. Also, I acknowledge and understand that incorporating a social objective or other nonfinancial objective into discretionary investment decisions, recommendations, advice, and/or the selection of a third-party manager or subadviser to manage the investments, in regards to my account, will result in investments and recommendations/ advice that are not solely focused on maximizing a financial return for me or my account."
15 CSR 30-51.170
*Original authority: 409.4-412, RSMo 2003 and 409.6-605, RSMo 2003.