Chapter 10 - Peace Officer Standards and Training Commission Fund
- Section 11 CSR 75-10.010 - General Organization of Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) Commission Fund
- Section 11 CSR 75-10.020 - Source of Funds-Terms and Conditions
- Section 11 CSR 75-10.030 - Eligible Applicants
- Section 11 CSR 75-10.040 - Eligible Training
- Section 11 CSR 75-10.050 - Ineligible Training
- Section 11 CSR 75-10.060 - Eligible Cost Items
- Section 11 CSR 75-10.070 - Ineligible Cost Items
- Section 11 CSR 75-10.080 - Budget Year
- Section 11 CSR 75-10.090 - Application Procedures
- Section 11 CSR 75-10.100 - Distribution of POST Funds