The Office of Career and Technical Education shall be responsible for collecting and monitoring the assignment schedule of local vocational personnel to insure that the following requirements are met:
All classes, on a per teacher basis, should have at least an average current year enrollment of ten (10) vocational-technical students. This also applies to multi-teacher departments on a per teacher basis.
A minimum of a full-time teacher assignment for vocational activities shall be required for one hundred percent (100%) vocational employment. Any instructor not carrying a fulltime teaching assignment for vocational activities shall have their percent of vocational employment adjusted proportionately.
A minimum of twenty (20) student-contact (instructional) hours shall be required for the community/junior college instructor to qualify for one hundred percent (100%) vocational employment. Any instructor not carrying a twenty (20) contact-hour workload during the preceding semester, and not carrying a twenty (20) contact-hour load during the current semester, shall have their vocational employment percentage reduced to one twentieth(1/20) of the one hundred percent (100%) vocational time reimbursement scale for each contact hour less than twenty (20).
MS Code 37-31-13 authorizes reimbursement to school districts for extended contracts for agricultural education teachers and other career related teachers who contribute to economic development. Administrators and counselors are not eligible. The expenditures are subject to approval by the Mississippi Board of Education with the funding level established by the state legislature.
CTE instructors and counselors employed on a ten to twelve (10 to 12) month basis and administrators must be engaged in activities directly related to their CTE program during the summer months in order to qualify for reimbursement. Violation of this policy will result in personnel being reimbursed on reduced contracts. An itinerary summary of activities and responsibilities of all CTE personnel employed during the summer months (over 10 months) shall be on file in each school district.
Educational leave time for twelve (12) month reimbursed CTE personnel shall be restricted to six (6) weeks per year for the purpose of securing or maintaining minimum certification and licensing requirements.
Conference/Meetings which require teachers to be absent from the scheduled lab/classroom activities shall not be held except where activities involve student organizations. Local CTE personnel are expected to attend called CTE conferences and workshops that affect their employment.
7 Miss. Code. R. 3-86.3