In the event a school district is found to be operating school buses determined to be in such defective condition as to constitute an emergency safety hazard and posing a threat to the health and safety of the pupils being transported in that district, then appropriate representatives of the Office of Safe and Orderly Schools, Division of Transportation shall be authorized to immediately condemn and remove from service any such school bus(es). Such bus(es) shall be properly repaired by the district and re- inspected and approved by representatives of the Office of Safe and Orderly Schools, Division of Transportation prior to the bus(es) being re-instated to service. The types of defects that may result in the condemnation and removal from service of any school bus are listed below.
Serious defects in the following mechanical and safety components of a school bus may result in that bus being condemned and removed from service:
Local school district staff must conduct at least four inspections of each school bus annually.
7 Miss. Code. R. 3-81.7