7 Miss. Code R. § 22-Ill

Current through December 10, 2024
A. Personal and Family Data Name

Print or type the full name copied from the certified birth certificate or other prescribed evidence established in MS Code 37-15-1.

Certified Birth Certificate Number

Record and properly identify all numbers (such as State no., State file no., and Registrar no.) found on the certified birth certificate. If not numbered, record and categorize any identifying information that is on the certificate. If the certified birth certificate is not available, record and identify the type of evidence used to verify date of birth.

Birth certificate means a certificate issued by the Bureau of Vital Statistics. The school is not required to keep the certified copy of the birth certificate. Keeping a copy of the birth certificate in the student's cumulative folder for future reference is based on local district policy.

Verification Initials

The school official who is responsible for verifying the information on the birth certificate or other evidence used for verification should initial this section.

MSIS ID Number

Record the MSIS 10 Number.

Social Security Number

This information is optional. Copy the student's social security card if the school decides to include this information.

Hispanic/Latino Ethnicity

Check Yes or No on the revised cumulative folder.


Record race using the following abbreviations for the various classifications:

NA American Indian or Alaska Native

AS Asian

B Black or African American

PI Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

W White

H Hispanic or Latino or Spanish

TM Two or More Races


Record M for male or F for female.

Place of Birth

Record City, County, and State.

Date of Birth

Record Month, Day, and Year.

Address and Telephone Number

Record this information in pencil and keep it current.

Father, Mother, and/or Guardian

Record full name of father and mother to include mother's maiden name. Record legal guardian's name, if applicable.

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B. Entrance Record

Record the date, grade level, and school name and address. No other entry will be made to the entrance record until the student transfers to another school or re-enters the same school after withdrawal. Use State Codes listed in Appendix B to indicate the reason for entry. (See Part L regarding additional form if needed for recording data.)

C. Withdrawal Record

Record the date and grade level when the student withdraws from school. Use State Codes listed in Appendix B to indicate the reason for withdrawal. (See Part L regarding additional form if needed for recording data.)

D. Record of Transfer

When the student's cumulative folder is requested, record the date and name and address of the school to which the cumulative folder is sent. Use State Codes listed in Appendix B to indicate the reason for the transfer. To mail the cumulative folder, use a large envelope with a metal clasp (10" X 13"). The written consent of the eligible student is not required if the school district includes a notice of its policies and procedures developed under Section 99.5 of the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act that indicates the district forwards education records to a school on request. (See Part L regarding additional form if needed for recording data.)

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E1 First regular enrollment this year T1 Transfer to another grade i11 this school
E2 Transfer from another grade in this school TZ Transfer to another school in this district
E3 Transfer from another school in this district T3 Transfer to another public school in Mississippi
E4 Transfer from another public school in Mississippi T4 Transfer to a nonpublic school in Mississippi
ES Transfer from a nonpublic school in Mississippi TS Transfer to another state or country
E6 Transfer from another state or country T6 Transfer to another room within school (same grade)
E7 Transfer within school (same grade) T7 Transfer to an approved community-based GED program
E8 Transfer from an approved community-based GED program TS Transfer to home school
E9 Transfer from home school C1 Completers-High School Graduates {Diploma)
R1 Re-entries of withdrawals C2 Completers-Other High SchoolGraduates {Certlficates/GED)

01 Physical illness or physical disability 11 Over compulsory attendance age
02 Drug and/or alcohol problems 12 Entered aGED program or an institutional program not primarily educational
03 Emotional disturbances 13 Lack of parental support/interest
04 Behavioral difficulty exclusive of suspension/expulsion14 Must care for family member
15 Economic reasons
05 Suspended/Expelled 16 Married
06 Restrained by court action 17 Pregnant
07 Would/could not keep up with work/was failing 18 Whereabouts unknown
08 Peer pressure 19 Reason unknown
09 Felt I did not belong 20 Other (Specify)
10 Disliked school experience Z1 Death of pupil

E. Attendance Record

At the end of the school year, transfer from the register or school enrollment database, the days absent and the chief cause of absence. When a student transfers to another school during the school year, use a pencil for recording attendance data.

Grade Days Absent Chief Cause of Absence

F. Standardized Test Record (Elementary and Secondary)

When standardized tests are administered, record the test scores on the cumulative folder in the designated spaces. Begin recording elementary results on the inside of the folder continuing on the outside for subsequent grade levels allowing for efficient use of space. If space is insufficient, a school district may adopt and use an additional form for recording test scores. (Also see Part L regarding additional form if needed for recording data.)









G. Elementary School Progress (Grades Pre-K to 6)

To complete the cumulative folder, record the year, number of days school is in session, the grade level in which the student is enrolled, and grades assigned to the student in the various subjects. The area designated for passing marks should be completed (e.g., Satisfactory (S), Unsatisfactory (U), 1-100, A-F). If the student transfers before the end of the semester, the grades should not be entered, but a written evaluation of the student's work, or report card, should be placed in the cumulative folder.

The subjects listed on the far left of the cumulative folder are designated for pre-kindergarten and kindergarten. (Record pre-kindergarten if applicable.) The subjects listed to the left of the first grade column pertain to the remaining elementary grades. Record student's grades starting with first grade in the spaces to the right of the subject's column. Continue recording grades in this section through the sixth grade.

Special codes, such as grade level (GL), below grade level (BGL), etc., may be used for the gifted, special education, etc. Promotion shall be indicated (with yes or no); the name of the teacher responsible for completing the cumulative folder shall be indicated; and the name of the school at the end of the school year shall be recorded.

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H. Significant Facts (by counselor, principal, or teacher)

Record the date, grade level, current age, and name of counselor, principal or teacher making the entry. Only documented information should be recorded. Expulsion shall be documented. Record the date of expulsion and description of the behavior or act resulting in the expulsion. Any additional information concerning disciplinary action should be based on local district policy. [MS Code 37-15-6] (See Part L regarding additional form if needed for recording data.)

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I. The mmunization Certificate of Compliance

This information must be obtained from the parent(s) at the time the student enrolls. Immunization Certificate of Compliance is issued by the local health officers or physicians on forms specified by the Mississippi State Board of Health. These forms shall be the only acceptable means for showing compliance. The appropriate school official shall write the date of immunization compliance on the cumulative folder, initial verification, and file the certificate in the student's cumulative folder. If the temporary certificate of compliance is received, record no data. It is the parent's responsibility to secure and present the permanent certificate of compliance according to the date designated on the temporary certificate. Compliance certificates for pre-kindergarten and kindergarten students will be the same as those for six-year-old students. [MS Code 41-23-37]

J. Medical Information

This information should be obtained from the parents at the time the student enrolls and should be kept current.

K. Secondary School Progress (Grades 7-12)

Subjects for each grade level should be listed. This also includes courses a student takes through distance learning, correspondence, or a virtual school program for Carnegie unit credit. Once a student remains enrolled in a course following the drop/add period, the student will receive a grade for the course. Courses dropped after the course withdrawal deadline will still appear on the student's official transcript.

Record name of school, grade level, year, number of days in school session, subjects, teachers, semester grades, year average, and credit earned when courses have been completed. If a student transfers before the end of the semester, the grades should not be entered, but a written evaluation of the student's work or a report card should be included in the cumulative folder.

If a student demonstrates proficiency in Keyboarding and/or Computer Applications, student demonstrated proficiency must be recorded on the secondary portion of the cumulative folder. (See the current guidelines for demonstrating proficiency.) In the column indicating the amount of credit earned, record the letter "P" for proficiency.

If a student attends summer school or takes a correspondence course, record date, school, subjects and grades in the summer school (S.S.) section.

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L Additional Form for Recording Data

Information should be carefully placed on the cumulative folder to maximize the space. If space is insufficient for recording entrance/withdrawal/transfer data, test data, and/or significant facts, the district may use the additional form for recording data or a page of heavy card stock that is properly labeled. This form/page should be added to the student's cumulative folder only when space on the folder is insufficient.

7 Miss. Code. R. § 22-Ill