No. Copies
In addition to the original and twelve (12) copies of the petition, the following items are required:
13 1. If a corporation, a copy of the corporate charter or its articles of incorporation as filed with the Secretary of State. If a partnership, a copy of any written partnership agreement.
13 2. If a foreign corporation, a copy of its authority to do business in the State of Mississippi.
13 3. A copy of any municipal franchise required by law.
13 4. If a corporation, the names and addresses of its board of directors, officers and any person owning fifteen percent (15%) or more of its stock. If not a corporation, the names and address of all owners or partners.
2 5. An outline map of any area for which a certificate is requested using Mississippi Department of Transportation county maps to a scale of one-half inch to the mile.
13 6. A full legal description of the proposed service area.
2 7. A map of sufficiently large scale to show boundaries of the proposed service area as well as relevant geographical features.
13 8. A general description of new facilities.
13 9. An itemized estimate of costs to the utility of all new investment.
13 10. A listing of all sources of funding.
13 11. An estimate of the impact of the cost of facilities upon rate base and rates. This item shall not apply to public utilities excluded from rate regulation pursuant to Miss. Code Ann. § 77-3-1 or 77-3-5 or to public utilities heretofore or hereafter exempt by Commission order from rate base regulation or to public utilities whose rates are allowed, by Commission order, to be filed for informational purposes only.
13 12. The number of assured and prospective customers in (a) the new area; and (b) the existing certificated area.
2 13. A complete set of engineering plans and specifications.
13 14. A copy of any required approvals from Health or Environmental Quality authorities.
13 15. An exhibit listing the names and addresses of all interested persons as defined in RP 2.115 herein together with a certificate that the filing utility has served a notice of the filing upon each.
13 16. A copy of all testimony to be relied upon at hearing.
13 17. A copy of the current balance sheet and income statement.
Miss. Code. tit. 39, pt. 1, ch. 29, r. 39-1-29, app 39-1-29-A, sch. 39-1-29-A-1