32 Miss. Code. R. 22-4.5.7

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 32-22-4.5.7 - Administrative Grievance Procedure

All persons aggrieved by a decision regarding the initial application for registration, or the renewal of registration, shall have the right of appeal and hearing process which will be reviewed by the Council.

Written notice will be provided to all applicants regarding denial of an initial or renewal of registration. Such notice shall contain the reason thereof and shall offer the applicant thirty (30) days to appeal the decision or to submit additional information pertinent to their application for a review by the Council.

If requested in writing within the specified time frame, a hearing will be provided in which the aggrieved party may show cause why the registration should be granted or renewed. The hearing shall be presided over by the chairperson of the Council, who is a voting member, or his/her designee.

After the conclusion of the hearing, the Council shall make findings of facts and conclusions, and shall issue a decision, separately stated, as to whether the initial registration shall be issued, or whether the renewal of registration shall be granted.

32 Miss. Code. R. 22-4.5.7