32 Miss. Code. R. 10-1-1.1

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 32-10-1-1.1 - MDRS Assurances
1. All policies in this manual have been reviewed by the State Rehabilitation Council (SRC). 1
2. No individual or group of individuals is excluded or found ineligible on the basis of sex, age, race, color, religion, national origin, type of disability, duration of residence in Mississippi, citizenship, type of expected employment outcome, source of referral, particular service needs, anticipated costs of services required, income level of an applicant or applicant's family, employment history or current employment status, or educational status or current educational credential. 2 . This applies to all locations in which rehabilitation services are provided by this agency, including One-Stop Centers.
3. MDRS accepts applications on anyone who is present in the state, including non-U.S. citizens. However, only those individuals who are legally authorized to work in the United States are eligible to receive services.
4. The staff of MDRS shall process referrals, take applications, determine eligibility or ineligibility for services, and provide services in a timely, prompt and appropriately equitable manner.

* Application forms are made available statewide, particularly in the One-Stop Centers.3

* Staff should contact referred individuals within 14 days by telephone, letter, or personal visit.

* A good faith effort to inform individuals of application requirements, including the requirement that individuals who receive services under the program must intend to achieve an employment outcome, shall be made, and a specific time and place to meet should be scheduled.

* Evaluations and services are provided in the most integrated setting possible, consistent with the individual's needs and informed choice, without undue delay.

* An individual is considered to have submitted an application when the individual or his/her representative, as appropriate has, (a) completed and signed an agency application form or undergone common intake procedures at a One-Stop Center or has otherwise requested services from MDRS, (b) has provided MDRS information necessary to initiate an assessment to determine eligibility and priority for services, and (c) is available to complete the application process. 4

5. MDRS maintains compliance with the National Voter Registration Act of 1993. MDRS staff offers applicants the opportunity to register and assists with the registration process when needed. However, applicants are not required to register to vote or accept assistance in registering to vote to receive any of MDRS's services.
6. MDRS is dedicated to becoming the premier provider of services to individuals with disabilities and a trusted collaborator and strategic partner with businesses. Through its OBD, MDRS strives to recruit and educate businesses, assess and meet the needs of employers, and promote disability awareness in the community, in an effort to improve and increase employment outcomes for job seekers with disabilities.
7. MDRS will conduct aggressive outreach in order to identify and serve populations of individuals with disabilities that are unserved or underserved by the VR program, including ethnic minority groups and youth with significant disabilities.
8. MDRS will provide VR services to American Indians with disabilities residing in the state to the same extent as the state provides such services to other significant segments of the population of individuals with disabilities residing in the state. VR services will continue to be provided, including as appropriate, services traditionally used by Indian tribes, to American Indians with disabilities on or near a reservation or a tribal service area eligible for services by special tribal programs. 5
9. MDRS staff shall comply with the provisions of agreements between MDRS and other agencies and organizations; including those in the Mississippi Workforce Development System. These agreements provide for interagency cooperation that may include establishing interagency working groups; coordinating policies, practices, and procedures; identifying available resources; setting up a comprehensive information and referral system; and defining the financial responsibility of each agency for paying for necessary services and resolving disputes. 6
10. MDRS will make available an information and referral system adequate to ensure that individuals with disabilities, (including eligible individuals who do not meet the agency's Order of Selection criteria for receiving VR services if the agency is operating on an Order of Selection), are provided accurate VR information and guidance using appropriate modes of communication to assist them in preparing for, securing, retaining, advancing in, or regaining employment; and will refer individuals with disabilities to other appropriate Federal and State programs, including other components of the statewide workforce development system. 7

In making these referrals, MDRS will refer the individual to Federal or State programs, including programs carried out by other components of the statewide workforce development system, best suited to address the specific employment needs of an individual.

11. MDRS will, when in the best interest of the consumer, utilize community rehabilitation programs (CRPs) to meet the identified needs of those persons served by the agency. In order to ensure quality of services provided by CRPs, MDRS will institute a mechanism for review and maintenance of CRP utilization statistics.
12. Mississippi Code, Section 37-33-157, gives MDRS direct purchasing authority for the purchase of services from a profit-making organization for the purpose of providing on-the-job training and related programs. Profit-making organizations may be utilized when they are better qualified than not-for-profit agencies and organizations to provide needed services. This can be determined based on past performance, quality of service, client satisfaction, and similar factors.
13. MDRS officially exercises the option of Establishment or Construction Authority. 8 In utilizing such special authority, MDRS will adhere to all applicable rules and regulations as set forth by the State of Mississippi, the Rehabilitation Services Administration, and the U.S. Department of Education. MDRS will use this authority for the establishment, development, or improvements of CRPs, including, under special circumstances, the construction of a facility and the provision of other services (including services offered at CRPs) which promise to contribute substantially to the rehabilitation of a group of individuals, but which are not related directly to the individualized rehabilitation program of any one individual with a disability. Such programs will be used to provide services that promote competitive integrated employment. 9

32 Miss. Code. R. 10-1-1.1

Adopted 8/1/2022