Rule 31-401-12.3 - Designated Pathologist Review Committee1. The purpose of the Committee is to assist the State Medical Examiner's Office in the selection and supervision of qualified Designated Pathologists and to develop and maintain a Quality Assurance - Enhancement Program concerning the activities of those Designated Pathologists. The Quality Assurance - Enhancement Program will involve review and selected examples of postmortem examinations, and other documents so as to recommend selection, retention, probation or dismissal of pathologists from the designated list.2. Membership - The membership of the Committee shall consist of the Mississippi State Medical Examiner, the President of the Mississippi Association of Pathologists, or his designee and the President of the Mississippi State Medical Association or his designee. The State Medical Examiner shall act as Chairman of the Committee.3. Meetings - The meetings of the committee shall be held at least on an annual basis at the time of the Mississippi State Medical Association's annual meeting. Additional special meetings may be called by the Chairman of the Committee and such special meetings may be conducted by telephone conference or other means.4. Administrative Support - Administrative support for the committee, including secretarial support and maintenance of records, will be provided by the State Medical Examiner's Office.5. Records - The State Medical Examiner's Office will maintain records of the Committee including a file for each Designated Pathologist, that file to include a Curriculum Vitae as well as records of recommendations or actions of the Committee. Also include in each file will be representative examples of postmortem examination reports and other pertinent data. These files will be confidential and access to the files will be limited to the Commissioner of Public Safety, the three members of the committee and the individual Pathologist involved. Except as otherwise provided in this section, these files are not public records as defined and addressed by the Mississippi Public Records Act of 1983 and access to such may only be had as provided in this Section.6. Annual Report - A general summary report from the Committee will be prepared on an annual basis and submitted to the Department of Public Safety. A copy of this report may be made available on request to any interested party.31 Miss. Code. R. 401-12.3
Miss. Code Ann. § 41-61-51, et seq.