Rule 30-3201-7.3 - Disciplinary ProceedingsA. Complaints, Summons, and Notice of Hearing -For the purposes of this rule, "complaint" refers to the formal documents issued by the Board to initiate a disciplinary hearing. The complaint is based on prior investigation of charges or information and shall set forth a statement of the charges against the accused. For the purposes of this rule, "summons and notice of hearing" refers to the document accompanying the complaint which compels the respondent to appear and sets forth the time and place of the hearing.
The summons and complaint together with a copy of the applicable Law and Rules and Regulations shall be:
1. Mailed by licensed or certified mail, return receipt requested, to either the respondent's last known business or residence address or the most recent address of the accused on file with the Board, or2. Personally served on the respondent, and3. Provided not less than thirty days prior to the scheduled date of the disciplinary hearing.B. Consent Orders. If after receipt of a complaint and prior to the disciplinary hearing an accused desires to admit to a violation, a consent order may be entered into with the accused without the necessity of a disciplinary hearing. This opportunity for settlement shall be within the sole discretion of the investigative committee. Any consent order shall be subject to the approval of the Board and shall not be subject to appeal. The Board may reject a proposed consent order and vote to hold a formal disciplinary hearing.C. Informal Conferences. The respondent may request an informal conference at the Board office with the investigative committee for the purpose of showing that the allegations contained in the complaint are not true. The respondent may have an attorney present only in an advisory capacity. If the respondent desires a conference and the complaint cannot thereafter be dismissed on the evidence, an effort will then be made to reach an informal settlement and consent order. The informal conference and/or settlement negotiation shall be completed prior to a date ten (10) days before the scheduled date of the disciplinary hearing; provided, however, the Board's investigative committee, at its sole discretion, may continue the disciplinary hearing at the request of the respondent for the purpose of completing said proceedings.
30 Miss. Code. R. 3201-7.3
Miss. Code Ann. § 73-13-7 and 73-31-21