Article XXII - RECORDING REFILLS AND PARTIAL FILLING OF SCHEDULE III, IV, AND V PRESCRIPTIONS1. Partial filling or refilling of prescriptions for controlled substances in Schedules III, IV, or V is permitted provided the pharmacist filling or refilling the prescription sets forth the quantity dispensed, the date and his/her initials or identifying code as the dispensing pharmacist on the prescription or on some other uniformly maintained record system. If a manual record is maintained on the original prescription document, the original dispensing and any refill must be recorded on the back of the prescription. The total quantity of dosage units authorized on the prescription may be dispensed by partial filling or refilling of the prescription provided the dispensing is done within six (6) months of the date the prescription was issued.2. If the pharmacist records the refill without specifying the quantity of drug dispensed, he/she shall be deemed to have dispensed a refill for the full face amount of the prescription. Miss. Code. tit. 30, pt. 3001, art. XXII